I have a 2005 Prius with 345k I have a working compressor, blender, fuses, cleaned cabin air filter, and charged and up to pressure. It is still blowing hot air and I have no idea what to do.
It's a variable pressure system, so having it up to pressure doesn't mean much. Basically there is a very precise amount of refrigerant and lubricant that needs to be in the system and its measured by weight. It's much easier to do this part of the job with a very expensive machine that evacuates the system and weighs it. Without the exact amount it's either gonna blow hot air or break stuff...
What does "up to pressure" mean? What are high side and low side system pressures (static)? Does the compressor operate? If so what are dynamic pressures? It would be useful to have a scantool that can read HVAC data so you can see what the system is trying to do.(compressor RPM's, air door positions, any codes etc) Toyota Techstream is always good but so is the Autel Maxi AP200 Bluetooth device and app for your smartphone. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Read everything you can on here from @lech auto air conditionin He's a great teacher: lech auto air conditionin | PriusChat
Charged up probably means you used an auto parts store can. Waste of time. You probably have a leak. Look in the sight glass probably looks like a snowstorm in there. Take it in to an ac shop to have it diagnosed properly they will charge it up with dye and find the leak. That's usually $150 for that test. Don't be surprised if its the evap coil under the dash. Happened to my very well cared for car. Pretty common on a G2 according to my ac guy. In the meantime stop running it as it may damage the compressor and that is very expensive.
Service Manuals - Google Drive Here's a link to the Toyota Repair manual. The very first section is for the AC. You should be able to find the part that describes how to use the sight glass for determining charge level (refrigerant starts around page 136). Plenty of other troubleshooting info available also. It's not rocket science, so don't be afraid. Just be cautious and be careful.
Because it's a subcooling system, a key thing to remember about the sight glass is that the proper charge is reached when, while charging, you have added 100 g of refrigerant by weight past the point where the sight glass bubbles disappeared. (See the diagram in the refrigerant "REPLACEMENT" section.) That makes it hard to judge much based on the sight glass alone, if you are not charging the system at the time, and using a refrigerant scale. @lech auto air conditionin goes further, and discourages fussing with the sight glass at all, in favor of just evacuating and recharging strictly by weight.