The market says fuel will stay high through Labor Day. They’re predicting $6. I’m thinking that we’re one Cat-5 storm away from $6 anyway myself but I tend to be something of an optimist. I’m already swapping out winter gas (draining cans into vehicles and filling with fresh.) I’m curious as to whether $5-6 gas will depress the ‘Summer driving season.’ I have a brother who lives behind the tinsel curtain and wants to get the RV on the road but they are seriously considering staying local and ‘staycationing’ instead. He wants to put left coast in the rear-view-mirror (can you blame him?) but his CFO wants to stay local. Me? I’m at T minus three weeks or so for my semi-occasional sojourn to the home sod. At 30mpg, the increased fuel prices will only add $125 to the trip….so I’m still go for the mission.
Gotta wonder where they get 1100 gallons of gas as being average? That’s like 20,000-50000 miles of fuel, depending on the car? I don’t know many vehicles anymore that get under 18mpg in the city. Unless everyone still drives 8mpg Dodge Ram 1500’s?
there are a lot of tanks around here, idk what they get for mileage, but it can't be very good. plus, i see many people with remote starts, the car warms up in the driveway
I think it is average household of 2 cars? Average 25 mpg makes it 12500 miles per car which is about what we drive individually.
For my car, I spent under $282 on gas last year, including a 4k+ mile trip to Maine. But I also had knee replacement which kept me a home for quite a while.
We have cut down our use of cars substantially during the pandemic. After I started working from home I am driving only 1-2 days/week. We also take far fewer leisure outings now. Pre-pandemic, our annual average driving miles were ~15Kmiles on my daily driver and ~8Kmiles on our second larger vehicle. It is now ~8Kmiles on my daily driver and ~5kmiles on our SUV. The actual cost of gas for the last 12 months has been $1021 (291gal) for two cars ~13Kmiles of driving. Plus the electricity cost used for the PP was $143. We don't plan to change our driving habits back to the pre-pandemic level even if all COVID scares are cleared. The average gas price I paid for both cars in the last 12 months is $3.50/gal. If we keep our current annual driving rate, this means even if the gas price hit $7/gal, our annual spending on gasoline will be ~$2042 for two cars.
They possibly are including ALL vehicles (tractor trailers, buses, etc) and not just light duty vehicles. Or They are actually including externalized costs. While I would truly love to see this, I doubt it.
Interesting read Gas prices around the world.
Yes, interesting. At over $6 a gallon, CA pays as much as Europe for gasoline and get none of the benefits of a robust public transportation system. Takes 3 hours for me to take a bus and train to work vs a 30 minute drive. We do have smoother roads than MA but that's probably due to less harsh winters than the government doing better road upkeep.'s not that they're not spending MONEY on it.... "The $105 billion bullet train project — for which $10.3 billion has been spent so far —" A billion here and a billion there....pretty soon you're talking about some serious money. Me? I've ridden HSR. It's GREAT if you have a relatively flat, and geologically uninteresting place to put it, HOWEVER (comma!) The reason that HSR works in other countries is that they have a mature LOW SPEED public transportation system to cover the last mile. Maybe fire some of the people who are (allegedly) profiting from HSR and start building out some intracity light rail FIRST? OH and maybe do something about the rampant crime so that a single parent working the swing shift would actually be WILLING to ride public transit. A few ideas: REfund the police. Change CCP law from "may" issue to "SHALL" issue. Perhaps deny bail to violent offenders. You know.... The BASICS.
Interesting read indeed... I do wonder where they get their data. Average price Netherlands according to that site: $8.582. There's only ONE pump in a 60 mile radius (out of probably >250 gasstations) that actually matches that price. 2.173€ per liter as of today ( 2.369€ per liter according to Google as of today (normal price adviced by oilcompanies, highways can be more expensive, towns can be 5ct (common) to 15ct (rarer) cheaper). We (Dutch government) just lowered the special petrol-tax due to soaring gasprices, so we might not be the leader anymore, but the Googleprice still puts us third instead of 9th AND I WANT CREDIT FOR THAT (I need this credit to afford even driving my Prius...)
I got a Prius for this reason. However, it broke down on me so I gotta fix it before I can reap the benefits.
Gas up $.30 since Memorial Day our price =$4.59/gal for regular. Grocery prices are the only thing that seems to outpace Gas prices in our area.