TBD, To Be Dead, is often the chant of mass shooters or at least the latest Buffalo killer. The irony is the anti-immigrant advocates would not last a week in a meat packing or farm harvesting job … or roofer. The newbies are the ones who willingly hold these shitty jobs. We aren’t seeing the innovators and small business makers and owners grabbing a gun and killing others. Lazy, indulgent killers justify life sentences. Bob Wilson
did you see the beatles get back movie? great scene of them making fun of the british conservatives in the original song
The Salem witch trials ended when a slander lawsuit brought false accusations to pay for damage incurred. So I'm wondering if the "replacement" lie could be sued, a civil action, in court, against those who spread it? The Buffalo NY families of ten dead and the injured might use the killer's manifesto to sue those who taught him that vile lie. Bob Wilson
Yep... Soon as Tucker and his good old boys lose tens of millions of dollars in civil lawsuits for aiding and abetting white supremacists mass murder they'll be much like Alex Jones who is losing everything to parents of children mass murdered in Sand Hook, which he claimed was faked. These scum need to realize there's substantive consequences for their hateful behavior.
It truly ironic that employers and industries cannot find enough workers to fill job openings. They are hundreds of thousands of potential immigrants eagar to work across the border if given the opportunity. They are just not the correct color or religion. Nearly half the whites in this country are of Irish descent, yet it was Butcher Bill Pool who wanted to keep them out on account of the "great replacement."
I can't think of any group that hasn't faced their share of hatred and bigotry Louisville’s Bloody Monday | Hidden History (wordpress.com) "Here they were faced by “poll-watchers” from the Know-Nothings—many of them armed—who, under the eyes of the police, began turning away foreign-born citizens and refusing to allow them to vote. Gangs of Know-Nothings soon began roaming the streets of Louisville, attacking and beating any Germans or Irishmen they came across. Several people were killed." "In the German district on Shelby Street, they attacked and destroyed several coffeehouses and breweries, and dragged a number of people into the streets and killed them." At the time not a good deal if you were of Irish or German descent and happened to live in Kentucky.
Don't forget the Italians... I've advocated for unlimited legal immigration since I was 21 years old. No limits. No quotas. Just sign the guest registry on the way in and get a green card. That's how all of the members of my family who were not born here gained THEIR citizenry. For the people trying to break in? I think we ought to adopt an Australian modality of border enforcement.
Just require 5 years military service/peace corps/CCC, good behavior, passing grades so to say, some communication/educational courses during said operations and on you go. I would lean toward unlimited immigration of women / younger children first, father if married and can pass certain sniff tests. Single males of particular persuasions should stay at home, wherever that is. If bad actors detected, Deportation should be only go forced to China, Ukrain (Russian occupied) or Middle East. (Involuntary on both sides) Said solution would have done wonders for MS13
I suspect around the WW1 time the pronunciation of my last name changed from the Germanic pronunciation to the current "just put a Y on the end of it". Pages of same last name folks in the phone books of Northern Germany cities like Essen last time I was there.
MyPillow CEO faces defamation lawsuit from second voting machine maker | US news | The Guardian But he does keep getting sued
No Ed, there should not be ANY war at all. But I'm not surprised that you don't get it. "We have met the enemy......and it is US." Pogo