I’m with @bisco as I’ve only bought 1-2 gallons for my wife’s BMW i3 REx at a time. As for my Std Rng Plus Model 3, no gas and 1,000 mi free charging. IMHO, gas is too cheap as Trump failed to subsidize petroleum by not maxing the strategic petroleum reserve. Biden will reduce gas prices by replacing gas burners with non-gas, EVs. Reduce demand and gas prices will soften. Darn shame a Republican donkey want to make this a political thread … weak minds and Trumpian ethics, the Republican way. Bob Wilson
There were some pretty long lines at the Costco gas station at Polaris this afternoon. Price was $2.79/gal for my 8 gallons. I did not see people filling up cans and panic buying as was shown on the news at gas stations in some of the some southern states. Hopefully they will get that pipeline restarted this weekend.
"More than 70% of the gas stations in Charlotte, N.C., have run dry as panic-buying exacerbated fuel shortages throughout the Southeast ... Roughly 60% of the stations in metropolitan Atlanta were also out of fuel Wednesday morning, ... At the state level, nearly 25% of the stations were without fuel in North Carolina, 15% in Virginia and Georgia, and 13% in South Carolina, De Haan said on Twitter." And yet, the prices of the gas all these states don't have, are still far cheaper than the price of the gas my state does have.
Gas prices could hit new record high in Milwaukee area (tmj4.com) U.S. Gas Prices Are Skyrocketing—How Much Worse Will It Get? (caranddriver.com) Gas at $4.17 in our area 5/9/2022 But, Disel gas costing truckers an unbelievable $5.25 a gallon. If you use heating oil it is probably quite a dilemma if you should stock up now or wait. At the grocery today 1/2 a cart rocked the wallet for almost $100. Seems the Stock Market is related to all this in an inverse relationship with it continuing to tank. Good news = great day outside - garden starting to come up- flowers blooming-kids home from college-very nice mothers day here for all the mothers- Longshot at 82 to 1 won the Kentucky Derby Saturday!
I’ve seen prices go up any time the stock market moves, direction doesn’t seem to matter, volatility does Haven’t seen this recently Gas Gas Station GIF - Gas Gas Station Plastic Bag - Discover & Share GIFs
I am in that situation now. ~ 1.5 months ago at the middle of Mar, our tank was below 1/4 and we were still heating the house, but the price was $4.70/gal, the historic highest price then. I thought I did not need a full tank to get by the rest of the heating season. So I ordered only 100 gal. Oh well, if I knew what the price would be today, I would have ordered the full tank ~275 gal. The price today is $5.90/gal state average. Some local area is seeing the price as high as $6.90/gal. We are still having morning low below freezing, but we have not used heat for over a month now. The problem is that our domestic hot water uses the same boiler. So, what is left in the tank is not going to be enough to carry us through the summer, and then I have to fill the tank definitely before the next heating season starts. Should I buy now, or wait???
Wow... that's 10.47 US dollars/gal for diesel. No wonder why all the groceries and goods prices are skyrocketing. They still have to be transported. So, I wonder why diesel and #2 heating oil (and also kerosene oil) are getting more expensive quicker than gasoline? Is it a refinery problem?
we haven't been driving much through covid, but we found a church with outdoor mass, so every sunday, we'll be doing another 20 miles on hv. 20 x 50 = 1,000 miles per year / 50mpg = 20 gallons x $5./g = $100./year a small price to pay in the scheme of things
In the last day, Metro Vancouver stations have reached $2.23 CDN per liter: Super pumped: New record high gas prices in Vancouver hurt to behold | Urbanized I'm not too excited though: Jan 30 I filled up, then Apr 30 did another fill up, only about 18~20 liters each time.
"According to GasBuddy, Wisconsin's average for gas right now is at $4.11, ... The national average for gas right now is just under $4.32 a gallon, ..." Those prices would look so good right now: ... and I'm not even in California:
Having not done anything to confirm, but my guess is that more American made diesel is getting shipped to Europe because of the war.
the good news is that poor people can get 30 bucks off their monthly internet bill, which they can use for gas. or food. or rent.
I just did ~600 miles round trip with a full tank of gas on my PP last weekend. About 35 miles before home, the DTE reached -- (zero). I knew that I still had at least 1.5 - 2 gal of gas left in the tank, so I was not too worried about it. I was so tired, driving 8+ hours in a single day, I just wanted to get home. Got home completely empty tank. I thought about going to a gas station, but the gas price just jumped ~$0.15. I decided to just use the no ethanol premium gas I bought for the generator a few months ago. 10 gal of premium gas filled the tank back to a full... and it was less than $4/gal back then.
Update- Gas went up another $.10 to $4.29 today - Diesel close to $5.50. Could you imagine the cost of filling up a Semi? "In most cases, a semi truck fuel capacity is about 150 to 300 gallons; therefore, filling up a truck with enough diesel for a long distance haul can run over a thousand dollars. Without a doubt, fueling your truck is one of the things that cost you the most.". 300 gallons x $5.50 a gallon = $1,650 Could you imagine opening up your wallet and pulling out $1,650 for a fill up!