I'm looking at two cars: a 2013 Three with 143,000 miles for $13,000 and a 2012 Two with 97,000 miles for $14,000. Both have solid maintenance records and appear to be in good condition in and out. Any advice? Thanks for any input.
If those are your only choices, I would get the car with lower mileage. These cars are prone to head gasket failures at higher mileage. The one with 143,000 is already in the danger zone for $13000
Is that seriously how high the market is for these cars? Those both seem drastically overpriced. I feel like you could get a ct200h with similar miles for that price.
Personally, I would get the 3 because it has more options and it is cheaper. You will have the normal issues with whichever car you choose. See if they will let you do a leakdown test before hand or take to a mechanic for one to see if the head gasket is ok. If it is fine then make sure you clean the EGR cooler, pipe, and intake manifold and you should be good.
I'm beginning to wonder! I thought I wanted one for reliability, fuel economy, versatility of hatchback, etc, but the forums have been illuminating and cat thefts are a real problem in my neighborhood where it's almost all street parking. Maybe it's better look for something else until a 4th gen is within my budget. I've started looking at Corollas and others, but prices are also grossly distorted all around. Rough time to be shopping for cars, but it's reached the point of necessity. Thanks for chiming in - I appreciate the different perspectives and bit of a reality check!
agree on prices, it's nuts. corolla and similar non hybrids are good options, and you don't need a hybrid mechanic, which can be expensive and difficult to find. all the best!
I suggest staying away from any Prius over 100k miles. Many independent mechanics can fix non-hybrids at lower prices. Any used car is a gamble, but leave the "high" mileage Priuses to expert DIYers. This is indeed a tough time to be buying any car, new or used. Double your efforts in asking trusted family and friends if any of them have a reasonable car for sale. "This too shall pass"
1N near bullet proof . I have four of them very hard for even Girls to kill!.. I get calls Dad no display .. hun push button put to drive.. hear clunk .? Yes drive on you had half tank 120 miles on drive app. Fill up . Carve em up hun .
If you can afford it, this might be one of those few times when leasing a car makes sense. Only drive essential miles, get the lowest deductible insurance you can (to deal with your out of pocket costs for thefts). It's not a cheap option, but you'll have a new and theoretically reliable car to drive, and maybe even lose less money when car prices drop.
Naw because leases are priced to this . I can put 45k in 12 months without even thinking very hard about it just goofing off so being allowed 10K a year or some nonsense I would be in the crapper before the key got in the car so I couldn't see that it's too easy for me to buy a Gen 2 for near nothing and drive the crap out of it for years for gas and oil and tires and then at the second or third year I throw a HV battery in it now it's not the prettiest car in town it's all one color and it's got no Bondo marks and I'm in the southeast United States but you know if you're wants and desires and you live next door to the Joneses then you may need to have a different plan you can't have the Joneses thinking the Smiths are a bunch of weirdos that drive old cars can we
Thanks, all, for helping me avoid potential problem cars. Ultimately, I wound up purchasing a 2022 Corolla Hybrid. It was beyond my original budget for a car, but with Toyota offering 1.75% interest on loans and all else considered it seemed to make most sense. I was able to buy it at MSRP, which under ordinary circumstances I realize is probably too much to pay, at present moment is considered "great" by Edmunds, KBB, etc. While I'm not stoked about having debt for the first time, I'm supremely glad to now have a reliable car that gets great gas mileage.
Excellent choice. A new car warranty covers a lot. This takes a lot of stress away, and makes the debt worth it. With luck/negotiation they'll give you a loaner when you come in for service. And if prices tank in a few years you can then decide if you want to again get into the pool of having a used car (and buy 2!).