I picked this up and it worked with no check engine light or codes. Since gas is on the rise and people are stealing from other people, I figured I would make it harder and make them think twice.
And if you lose your key to it you won't have to worry about buying gas... Kinda like an electric car, except you can't go anywhere.
Unfortunately, a lot of aftermarket gas caps might return an evap error code. I'll stick with OEM. Also, gas is often stolen by uncaring thieves who punctures gas tanks, especially high ground clearance SUV's and trucks with large tanks.
Well if I lost my gas cap key then that would mean I lost my FOB too so I wouldnt be going anywhere. Good thing they come with two gas cap keys and the other can not be lost. Which brings me to think I need to get another FOB so Im not stranded if I do lose my keys. But....if I lost both gas cap keys, I would just bust the gas cap off and slap the OEM back on. I think that covers that.
Wouldn't they have to have already broken into your car for access to the filler door release, or taken a crowbar to the filler door, before they see your locking cap and think twice?
That's why you need to make a brightly colored sign on the door about your locking cap! Of course if they're using a pry bar to open the door, they'll probably use it on the locking cap too. Which makes me wonder if the design of the cap accounts for that?
This gas cap does not trigger the check engine light, I already said that. I would rather them bust the gas door and give up than continue because there is no locking gas cap. Most dont puncture on a prius but they will try to siphon it. I would not want them busting into the car since Im sure their main goal is to take my gas without getting caught. Also that is more damage than just the fuel door and since they want the gas they will take the quieter easier way. Point is it works and triggers no CEL
I thought the Prius, and others, had anti-siphon measures built in to the filler tube. How easy is it to work around those? Police near here have warned of increased tank drilling.
....because siphoning fuel from a modern car is so easy.... and you must have overlooked adding a purchase link for the gas cap and your negotiated 172% discount for anyone who purchases one via your link using code AZUSA
The Anti siphoning feature is the metal flap in the filler tube. Pretty much defeated if you push a siphon pipe into the tank
Not entirely true. The flap does nothing to prevent a tube or pipe from being inserted. It certainly makes it slightly more aggravating to remove though, since it acts similar to a chinese finger trap. The true anti-siphon device is further down the filler neck and is typically a sphere that prevents anything from passing, other than fluid. Of course, anything can be force to pass through if you have a stiff enough pipe and a big enough hammer, assuming the filler neck is relatively straight. Or you can try to siphon for hours using an 1/8" tube that may slide by the sphere. Having never disassembled that portion of a Prius, I can't be 100% sure what it uses for the actual device.
Strange thing happend yesterday... Exactly 30 days after I installed this My permanent P0420 code cleared. Now I do not have to rush and buy a new catalytic converter since I took it to smog right after it cleared and it passed.