I am looking at getting back into a Prius LE Eco but am freaked out by all the catalytic converter thefts. I know they are targeted because of the precious metals in them, especially the Prius. There are shields which can go over them but my dealer won't install it. should I be worried or just let it go and live and hope it does not happen, I do not have option of using a garage as I live in apartment. thanks, bob
I understand your frustration. However, one has to decide whether to make decisions in their life based on the fear of "what if" or, prepare themselves for the "what if's" and move on. I'm not saying I got this nailed down, but with all that the world had experienced in the last 2 years, I have decided to do what I can to prepare myself and to keep moving forward. However I will add, the thieves will most likely move on to other types of cars anyway.
If it's a Gen 4 - forget about being freaked. There have been on reports on PriusChat apart from a 3rd hand report which may have been a Gen 3. There are only 2 small ones on Gen 4 - and one, you have to either remove the engine or the BODY to get to it. The other is significantly smaller than the Gen 2s which were the target for thieves.
I was "freaked" out in 2020 when I was car shopping - didn't know if I'd be able to get a car in the pandemic! I ended up buying used and was concerned about the CC also. Once I read about the "cat shield" and found a shop to install it....I haven't thought or worried about it since. I have had the good fortune of a garage; but it hasn't been something on my mind. It was worth the investment and I really like the gen 2
Your dealer won't install them? I find that strange.. my local Toyota dealership did it without question? What was their reason for saying no?