When my Prius goes from gas to electric while parked or stopped, the engine is kicking pretty hard. It wasn't always like that. I feel like there might be oil or some kind of sludge built up somewhere. Is there anything I can clean or replace to potentially fix how the engine is kicking like that? I already cleaned the throttle body and used some fuel injector cleaner in my gas tank. What else can I do? I want the transition from gas to electric to be smooth while the car is parked. I don't like how it is kicking like that. All the maintenance is up to date and the spark plugs are fairly new.
Ok, but why did it get worse over the past year or so? I get worried that something might break soon. It might not of gotten worse, I might just notice it now more or something. My 2006 has 180k miles, I'm wondering if I can get it to 350k with how it is
It is kind of loud and it jerks the car back and forth pretty hard when the engine is shutting down when it's switching to electric. Some times are worse than others.
It is natural for the Gen2 cars to do this occasionally. It does not happen all the time, especially when warmed up
have your mechanic look for busted or damaged engine and transmission mounts. These metal brackets are usually sandwiched between a rubber brick - they are designed to cushion the "kick" of the ICE turning off and on. Too much movement will risk damaging wire, control rod, and hose connections to and from the power-train. Hope this helps
Can I check it myself? Can you see the motor mounts easily from just popping the hood? Do you have to remove anything?
I haven't worked on one of those in a long time and can't picture where those are. You can look up transmission- and motor- mounts on the discount OEM Toyota website; those pictures will give you a general idea, where to look. I can only picture the passenger side engine mount in my head; but not sure it's for your generation Prius. Sorry
@Another; Great job @wbs887700; start with the parts on post #16 and then there are two other mounts to inspect.
When my hybrid battery started to fail I noticed that transition being quite aggressive and noticeable. It would clunk hard when I shut it off too. And your right in the spot where my 07 failed too mileage wise. Did your car sit for long periods because of covid? I would start looking at the hybrid battery performance & health on the mfd like does it go to purple real fast and take quite a while to get back to blue? Is your mileage tanking? Get the Dr Prius app on your phone then buy the Carista Blue Tooth OBD for $30 on Amazon so your phone can talk to the car . It will let you do a health test on the battery and also look at charging behavior on the battery modules. use the search forum link up top and search Dr Prius for more info.
I already have a Carista bluetooth reader and the Dr Prius app. I've done multiple battery tests and they all say that the battery is healthy with 59% life left. My mileage actually has been going down for the past several weeks. I was getting a steady 42-47 MPG but now it's consistently dropped to 35-40 Edit: and no, my Prius has not been sitting at all. It gets driven daily
For my understanding, you are saying you're feeling more kick with the engine stopping and starting now, and if you are in Park with e-brake off and foot off of brake pedal the car sort of lurches forward in Park when the engine starts/stops? I have noticed the same in mine, but I am not sure if it is worse than before. I think that is just the nature of the hybrid synergy drive and maybe we feel the engagement more as parts age. I am curious if new engine mounts help.
Dr Prius is not the definitive test of the battery. And I can guarantee you at the least all the battery connections will be very corroded. Your mileage is tanking and your probably going into purple real fast like at a light or in the fast food lane. Its tanking because your battery is no longer providing the enough power so you have to push on the gas much harder than usual. It happens so slowly you don't even notice the loss of power except for the mileage tanking. And it probably takes a much longer time to get back up to a few blue bars. That's sign #1 battery is getting very unhappy. All i can say it makes the engine run much harder so keep a strict eye on your engine oil level. Very old engine that soon will be the sole bread winner.