If I read this right, it went the first nearly 5 miles w/o the ICE coming on? That sounds really good to me. My wife's '17 trim 2 starts the ICE almost as soon as she begins to accelerate away from the house. And yes, the '17 Prius 2 (non Eco) has a NiMH battery. Also remember that even with the ICE running the car is mostly battery powered till the ICE warms up.
I'm still not sure that is always true, espeically in colder temps, higher speeds and Power Mode during warmup cycle. Typically at lower speeds and in ECO or NORMAL modes it holds true as far as I've seen. So most of the time it is true, but there is at least one combination of setting where is appears to not be behaving that way. Granted, I'm seeing this in the Prime and what's being discussed here is the regular Gen 4. So if I"m wrong to mention what I've seen in the Prime, please accept my apologies in advance.
I am. Watch your MPG indicator when the ICE first starts. Now, if you floor it, when it's cold, that's different. The car will give you what you want, but what you want isn't good for it. But switching to HV from EV in the Prime at highway speed always shows me getting about 100 mpg for a while. In a regular Prius, you don't have that opportunity. It always takes a couple minutes at least to get to the highway and the Prius engine warms up incredibly quickly thanks to routing the engine coolant through a heat exchanger at the catalytic converter.
Yes it was a warm day, so the ICE didn't start right up, like it normally does and I didn't have the A/C on. Okay another issue, this one is with my 2021 Prius. After she plowed into a deer last year, they replace a lot of the front end, including the windshield. Now, the edges of the top dash will NOT go down flush, like it used to. I lifted up on it a bit and the tabs (which are red) are still there and they do go under the tabs but won't stay down. I took a few pictures...anybody know what the trick is? I don't want to mess with it but thinking maybe I should remove the two pieces along the left/right side of the windshield, life up the entire top piece, and try to get it to click down more? Or should I return it to the repair place for them to fix it? Let's see if I can get a few pics of the dash on here...
IMG_1414 by ColoradoBoo posted Apr 17, 2022 at 8:48 PM IMG_1413 by ColoradoBoo posted Apr 17, 2022 at 8:48 PM IMG_1412 by ColoradoBoo posted Apr 17, 2022 at 8:48 PM
It looks like the tabs are bent and, as a result, they missed the holes they should have locked into. They may be broken as well as bent but that's not visible in those pictures. It's probably too late to take it back to the body shop. Still, since the tabs are still attached, you may be able to lift up the dash, straighten the tabs, and pop them into the slots where they belong.
The other day must have been a one off day. I haven't seen 1% of EV range used after driving a little more than a mile, since last summer. I got a wake up call today using 3% of EV range to go the same distance while in warm up cycle at 32* F . I realized I should have said what speeds were slower 15 mph and what speed was faster 30 mph in Power mode.. Sorry it was one of those strange things. I still don't get exactly what it was, as I try things out of the ordinary daily routines. Warmup cycle around freezing temps typically takes 1.3 to 2 miles at 15 mph on side streets and about .4 miles when it's above 60*F driving the same side streets at 15 mph.
@ColoradoBoo I had our windshield replaced too. On ours the trim on the other side of the windshield is not fitted right. So in the fall I get leaves stuck in the grooves of the rubber that the windshield rain guard trim no longer covers completely. If you do try to DIY, if it were me I'd wait till it gets a lot warmer so the plastic is easier to work with. And or get a replacement part price in case of unseen damage.
Thanks, folks...the repair folks did say there's a lifetime warranty on anything they did so I just called and she said, sure, bring it by after lunch so hopefully they can get it fixed right.
Update...she inspected the dash and took a few pictures...said, yep, something isn't right. If they can't replace those clips they'll order a whole new dash and install it...no charge. Since parts are hard to get, it may be a while but I'm okay waiting....glad it'll be fixed back to factory-specs like the rest of the car was.
That's fantastic!! If I remember right and saw what I think I saw, those clips are molded parts of the top of the dash. I had mine part way apart soon after I got it (used) so I could deal with a rattle.
Funny, I did this experiment just this weekend as well. I turned on the "miles til empty" reading as I was going - I was stuck on a longer-than-I-thought-it-was expedient lane. I figure that I drove it a few miles past when it hit dashes, but did not go so far as to go into EV mode (or shut-down mode). Fill-up was 10.165 gallons. I didn't take a picture of it, but I saw on the trip back (not shown) that it turns out that Priuses get much better mileages in the 70's than at 80. 72 or 78, didn't matter as long as I wasn't hitting 80 or over. Calm, slow driving.
Gen 4 "cat-shield" Used a Carbing floor brace along with the TRD Member Brace. Both had to be slightly modified to run together. The spacers on the TRD Brace had to be shaved down a little to fit in the opening of the Carbing brace and the Carbing brace had to be cut ever so slightly to fit the shape of the TRD brace. Pic was taken two weeks after install and already some minor scrape marks as my car is lowered. But it was scraping in those spots anyway. I definitely need some new underpanels lol. The TRD member brace comes with center and rear bracing with rear covers. The center covers do have to be cut slightly as well. Also did the Carbing front brace a few weeks ago Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Swapped out the god awful stock Enasave E300+ for BluResponse Sport. At least now when it rains I won’t feel like I am driving on ice
My collision repair, finally, received my new dash (top part) so I took it down and they swapped it out....all clips are now down nice and tight. Since they had replaced the windshield, I told the technician what a master Toyota technician told me...to check the edges of the windshield for excessive glue as too much can interfere with the dash fitting correctly. She said there was extra stuff in there which they got off and really did help the dash fit perfectly. Next DIY project (after my Tundra gets scheduled oil/filter and radiator coolant service) is to replace my wife's 2017 canister oil cartridge with the twist-on spin cartridge so both Prius' will use the same filter. (I got the parts on Amayama Toyota parts about a year ago but had a few canister filters to use up, first.)
While my 2014 Tundra's entertainment/navigation system has a history of gremlins, we've never had issues with our two Priis (2017/2021) until yesterday. I gave my daughter a ride up to Denver International Airport and took a route I don't normally go so had my Apple Car Play on with my iPhone and used Google maps, which the car puts on the display. After driving for about 90 minutes, I had just dropped her off and noticed the screen on the car didn't match the screen on my phone....the car screen had frozen up and while it would let me toggle between it and the music stations, it would not unfreeze. I ended up hard-booting the car system (holding down the volume button) and then Apple Car Play and Google Maps reconnected and displayed correctly. This is the first time seeing issues in the Prius. We even drove the 2017 to Maine and back in 2019 with no issues but the 2017 doesn't have navigation or Apple Car Play. Anybody else also have this issue?
Even though I've had the parts for a year, I waited until now because I had a couple of canister filters to use up. (I'm cheap) Anyway, I got my wife's 2017 Prius LE converted from using canister to spin on filters. Hardest part was removing the plastic cover in the wheel well which had parts going up into the front and over into the side. Now, both Priis (2017/2021) use the same YZZN1 filter but 0W-20 and 0W-16 oil, which is annoying. When I get the time, I'm going to change out the radiator and hybrid inverter coolant in the 2017 and also do a brake fluid drain drain and fill. (Both are at the 5 year point this fall.)
Does anybody have the Toyota Part numbers for those plastic clips/fasteners they use for the plastic covers underneath? It would be handy to have a stash of them as I'm working on the Toyota's. I have a big container with various clips but it's for all makes and models to a huge pain to find the right one...takes way too long. I've noticed most of the Toyota clips/fasteners are the same so wouldn't think it would be more than 3 or so.