Are these political?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by tochatihu, Apr 6, 2022.

  1. JahT

    JahT Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    Did they interview the girls harassed by the Covington kids? I mean that report still shows the kids as wrong.

    --"The Covington Catholic boys harassed my friends and I before the incident with Nathan Phillips even happened. I'm tired of reading things saying they were provoked by anyone else other than their own egos and ignorance"

    --a 27-year-old from Baltimore who went to the Indigenous Peoples March with his sister, told that the Covington boys “just kind of, like, surrounded us” as they tried to move. “What made me feel scared was the mob mentality of the situation,” he said.

    --March for Life organizers, who on Saturday had condemned the teens’ actions as “reprehensible”

    --The day after the march, the diocese denounced the boys’ behavior in a joint statement with the school, calling it “opposed to the Church’s teachings on the dignity and respect of the human person.”

  2. John321

    John321 Senior Member

    Nov 16, 2018
    2008 Prius
    Your post indicates exactly why the individuals involved from Covington Catholic received over $530,000,000 in punitive damages from media outlets as awarded by independent courts and settled by Major Media Outlets to prevent going into court.

    Covington Catholic High School students exonerated in independent report - The Dialog

    The young kids showed tremendous character in the face of grown adults who were actively harassing them.

    I am not sure if all the lawsuits for false reporting are settled yet. If not your posts are an excellent examples for the students to use as evidence to the damage false reporting does to individuals

    "Some students stated that one of the chaperones reminded the students that, if they engaged in a verbal exchange with the Black Israelites, they would receive detention when returning to school," the report states."

    The facts are all in, the independent investigation details exactly what happened and is available to anyone to read.

    Why give $530,000,000 to people who are at fault? Obviously because they were not at fault and were indeed victims of false reporting.

    Bias is not only in media but is deeply rooted in some individuals who will go to great lengths to justify their biases. Unfortunately by engaging with them you can involve yourself in their bias and appear biased yourself - that is not my preference. I think I'll move on.
    #22 John321, Apr 13, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2022
    bisco likes this.
  3. JahT

    JahT Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    Your post shows you didn't read my post with objectivity. Yes some showed some character, some didn't, I don't expect much more from the kids themselves, I am not dooming them just pointing out that they were rambunctious before their encounter, and I am not excusing the adults who may have mistook the kids' cheers and jeers and engaged with them by shouting obscenities. And from my understanding all "rewards" were from settlements not any judgments.

    What false reporting? I agree false reporting should be corrected, it mostly always is. The photo wasn't false, the videos aren't false, so you'd do better to be specific examples of false reporting. Bias goes in all directions all the time, the Catholic diocese and Covington were both biased against those kids because they were teenage boys like the rest of America was, they don't respond to "pressure" and were reacting the same way everybody else in America did to the photo, video, and information at the time.

    Any monetary compensation doesn't hold more value than the lesson some of those boys should have learned from this, not that news is "fake" since it isn't, but that they control how they are perceived through their behavior, actions, and words.
    #23 JahT, Apr 14, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2022
  4. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    which begs the question.....

    "Are these posts political?" ;)
    JahT likes this.
  5. JahT

    JahT Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    Not in the case of the Covington kids which had very little to do with politics, take all the red hats away and it is still a chaperone/parenting problem and made worse by absolving kids instead of teaching them how to better next time. ;)
    Rmay635703 likes this.