Any idea who the dealer was? Have searched. Also see new batteries from Greentec with a 4 year warranty.
Several members bought new oem last month from a group of Florida dealers. It was a sale that may be over or sold out. The point is the dealer price has margin which you might take advantage of. The greentec batteries have had a bit of bad press over the years. Either the "new" cells were a used "new generation" cell or the new cells were aftermarket cylinders like but with less capacity. I would get new a)Toyota rectangular or b) lithium or c) cylinders.
Interesting. I searched online for OEM battery packs and a lot of the sites said discontinued. Thanks for info, I was wondering where the "new" batteries were coming from. Sounds like they weren't really new.
Toyota and the others just provide the cells/modules. Someone has to tear down the battery assembly and swap the cells. Often bus bars and some cables are included. This is why Toyota quotes six hours labor. I am sure most experienced techs can do it in two hours or less. Actually removing and reinstalling the assembly is relatively easy. I have seen it done in thirty minutes on a v wagon, which is easier than a hatchback. Toyota is unlikely to sell the modules online but I am sure they are available.
Looks like the Toyota assembly is $2k plus tax. Seems easier to just swap fan, etc. from old pack to new than rebuilding a new battery with lithium ones. May go that route.