1st time Prius owner here.....recently bought a 07 and did not come with a Smart key. Was told by the seller that the red flashing key on the dash will not hurt a thing but it is getting kind of annoying. Any way to turn it off? Just dont want to spend a small fortune getting a smart key and dealer programming.
A red key on the dash that flashes all the time the car is off is normal operation. Car security systems have had such a flashing light for ages. Its function is to say "hey car thief! This car has a security system. Go steal that one over there." It's described in the owners' manual.
See this Security light flases even while driving, this normal? | Toyota Nation Forum fix "Automatic Registration Mode"
Had the same issue in my 2013 Corolla LE. Blinking while driving and Solid when key is removed. Found somewhere about how to fix "Automatic Registration Mode" for Lexus without going to the dealership. Just turn the key on and off at least 5 times within 5 seconds. Tried this on my car and boom..Fixed the issue. Super happy
Im assuming that I would just hit the power button on the dash 5 times (on/off). Will give this a try tonight.