Dear Priuschat, ... the question of the day: How do you definitively know, your markets are rigged? ANSWER: Whensoever price fluctuates, a function of current events (e.g., as opposed to demand, which is relatively constant). US$5 bux a gallon for cheap, crappy 91 octane premium unleaded? They don't bend over, not one iota, affording us humble 93 octane. Always about US$10 bux a gallon -- been that way, for decades -- ever notice how price never fluctuates, on 100 octane racing unleaded? Unleaded Race/Racing Fuel at the Pump in California We're being punished. America's southern border, the grocery store, the filling station, at the prescription counter, some reason, our policy community is bent on punishing us, every which way from Sunday. A 28-day supply of my better-half's Tobramycin, a cool US$9 thousand bux. The government in Washington DC is out of control. No one knows who's really running the thing -
I hear your frustration Hold on to your pants - inflation is taking off in our country. Anyone who regularly does the grocery shopping for their family can tell you prices have been steadily creeping up for some time and will probably continue to escalate. Unfortunately our country has been printing monopoly money for some time to prop up the economy and we are currently beginning to experience some of the effects. This situation coupled with supply chain issues, inflated stock prices, trillions of dollars in debt as a country, negative trade imbalance, pandemic after effects and now some instability in the world are combining to really throw a curveball at consumers
You might consider joining 'Fred's House of Politics' to carry on. The moderators do a good job of keeping politics out of our technical forums. Bob Wilson
... things are so bad here in America, it's US$10 bux for a tube of toothpaste: Handsome ROI, I now have US$110 bux worth Costco toothpaste. Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
... but! Have no fear! I hold the key to solving this perplexing dole-enema. Toggle here, and flush: Wanna see it, Again?
"Premium" toothpaste has been around for years, and those tubes were $10 or more before this inflation. This is just Colgate cashing in on that market with a new, expensive product. Your plain tooth paste is still available for around $2 a tube on Amazon.
I just bought the white box bacon $2.99/lb, very fatty just the way I like it, lots of free cooking oil to fry my green beans and stir frys.
I know American medicine is expensive, but are you talking about the eye drops here? Aren't they priced at between US$6 and US$25?
You need to toss the pancake more gently - you just need to flip it over. If it goes through the roof, you're tossing it too hard.
... AAA hard hull wheat futures soon to go ballistic, hedge your pantry, advance purchasing, immediately, on all long shelve life corn, rice, lentil and wheat product: ////////////
... quick, try 'n get your old cars temporarily registered here, in California: Vary your name, slightly, on each car you register! Crazy old guy across the street's got 9 cars in his backyard; 5 in his front yard. He's going to try hitting the space bar between letters, syllables; put numbers, hyphens, underscores in his name, see if he can round up enough stimmy for a free resto-mod on his old Dodge Power Wagon; perhaps an FB STi engine mod for his roller chassis 911. heh-heh - Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
I was lured by the smell of bacon, myself. The good stuff from my local german butcher was $7/lb years ago, it's $9 now. It's still worth every penny of that. I just buy less now. Worst case, I live longer.