Hi I bouhgt a US standards 2008 Prius and imported into Canada. We know the Prius is highly programmable, so does anyone know how to convert the Odometer (now in miles to KM) and the Energy Screen from MPG to Litresl/100KM. I have the formulas to calculate this manually but I am looking for a way to chnage the programming so that the displays are all shown in metrics. The GPS navigation system is presently fully convertable to US/Metric. I've asked around and it looks like this is not doable and also the Toyota garage technicians will not touch this either because they do not want to encourage individuals doing any imports/exports by others than Toyota. This is to control Pricing in the automobile market.
I've been asked this exact question in the past. I think that it should be possible, but quite how is beyond me. If you get into the diagnostic screen of the MFD (hold down info while switching your lights on and off three times) and then repeat to get to the second screen, you'll find a setting called destn. You can scroll through the different market destinations available for the Prius but for some reason you can't save the value. It's not much but may be a start. We'll need the heavy-duty MFD geeks to come help this one!
I don't have the DESTN setting, only "car type" or some such. Tried changing this parameter but nothing happened
Hello i wants how to convert mile to km ..who is know .pleasee cintact me ..thanks.. Toyota prius 2008
I know this thread is quite old but for completeness in case this comes up again…. In both my 2005 and 2007 gen two’s had the kmh/mph button which indeed does change the Speedo Now here is the trick.. whilst stationary with the engine turned on push that button and hold for 10-15 seconds and it switches between mpg and km/l
Anyone try that? I have 2005 and ill try as soon as i bleed the brakes today and connect battery and service plug. You give me hope