I've got a 2010 Prius III with just under 160K miles on it. The other day, I turned my car on and got a message saying "Check Hybrid System." I can't put the car into gear- only neutral. The gas engine won't start up. I've been troubleshooting as best I can; starting with pulling the orange hybrid battery plug. I put a brand new 12V in it, topped up the gas, and cleaned out some residual oil from the air intake. Still no luck. Any ideas of what might be happening?
If you don't have a good code reader, now is the time to get one. Have you had all your warranty repairs completed? It could be the Intelligent Power Module ("inverter"), if yours is original. Not sure if the enhanced warranty is still covering these. But when mine went out, I couldn't start the system at all, or shift. So, maybe the hybrid battery is more likely.
Got a code P0A0D - High Voltage System Interlock Circuit High. Bought a salvaged inverter off eBay and swapped it out. Car started right up. Problem solved.
I had a PA093 Code for the inverter cooling process. swapped out the inverter pump, and now i cant get any response. I am wondering if the inverter itself just crapped out like yours and needs replacing. was yours off ebay "refurbished"?
I haven't found any "good" video's for the inverter pump replacement. About 2 years ago I saw one where he didn't remove the fuze box or inverter, but I can't locate it.