I've had no access to my Entune App media functions for 2 days now on my 2017 Prius Prime. Keep receiving the "mandatory update" message on my screen, BUT, responds "Unsuccessful" on every download attempt. Called Toyota Entune and after :45 mintes they were able to tell me the "Toyota Entune App" is being discontinued and we must now delete the "Toyota Entune" app and replace it with the "Toyota" App. They further advised the system change "migration" on their end was released early in an error and I won't have access to the Entune Suite (IHeart Radio,Alexa, etc) until sometime Monday 11/15/21. They further told me to do the following, in order, on Monday 11/15/21: Attempt to again download the "Mandatory Update" in the car on Monday, 11/15/21. And if successful, then... Delete the old/current "Entune" App from my phone. Then... Go to the Apple or Google Play Stores and install the new "Toyota" (notold Entune) App. The apparent reason is to simply (hahaha) migrate all the current "Entune" functions on one single App, the "Toyota" App. Great communication (NOT) on Toyota's part!! Anyone else experiencing the same issues?
I’m too lazy to search but if you look around here there is a procedure to take care of your problem. Fwiw I too got that pop up message but I had better luck.
After my experience with Entue on 2017 PP and Toyota App on 2020 PP, I decided it was not worth my trouble to even play with Toyota's OEM infotainment system. I never installed (or registered) Toyota App for my current 2021 PP. AFAI can tell, I am not missing much.
They didn't. Slacker radio was bought by livexlive a few years ago and Toyota rebranded the Slacker service as LiveXLive on entune. Since those services used mobile data anyways I always just used Bluetooth audio with whatever service I preferred (Pandora, Amazon music, Spotify, etc) My 2022 XLE downloaded an entune update a few weeks ago but I've been using the Toyota app since I got the car in October. The Toyota entune app I used for my 2016 Prius didn't even recognize the Prime when I first got it so I uninstalled the app
I am confused about what is what with the Entune Apps. I have a 2017 Advanced. I got the prompt on the car to update the car's Entune stuff on Nov 15, and the software update succeeded. I am still using the Entune app on my Android phone, which was last updated Aug 13. Note that is the original Entune, not Entune 3.0. Both the Media apps (such as Gasoline Prices and Sports Scores) in the car and the telematic apps (such as vehicle location and charge managment) on the phone work just fine. Am I supposed to migrate to the "Toyota App" on my phone? Until things actually break, I am not going to give up a perfectly working Entune App on my phone.
11/15/21 UPDATE Thx to those who replied. Interesting to see that some of you indeed were able to download the update. Called Toyota again today and they said: The "Migration" was still incomplete for pending "Apple and Google approvals" (????) Also said they went ahead with the early migration so that those with Entune 3.0 could successfully update and from what I'm seeing those with earlier model Primes without 3.0 still have download issues. Entune Rep had no specfic date for resolving the issue since it's due to Apple/Google approval. ie. Just keep trying(what a shabby work-around).
Apple and Google have an approval process for an app or update to an app to be available in their application store. Theoretically, it is to make sure that "bad" apps don't get there. "Bad" may mean anything from "transmits a virus" to "lets you make in-app purchases that don't give Apple/Google their cut". They approve things whenever they feel like it; the developer (Toyota, in this case) really has no say. Really a pain for small developers who are trying to make a living with their apps. Just saw an update to Entune 1.0 appear on my iPhone; still nothing on my Android. I still don't know if I am supposed to be looking for an update to the Entune app or for the Toyota App. I have one login to get my service records, and another to login to Entune. Are these being merged? Or what, exactly. And I am sure it is different if your car has Entune 3.0. The 2017 has Entune 1.0.
Based on this thread, I attempted once again to load and use the Toyota app. For the last two years, it directed me to Entune because my car was a 2017 Advanced. Yesterday it allowed me to access the app and add the car... sort of. I got into a situation where I gave the Toyota app my VIN and it was telling me that my information did not match their records. I called the support number that the app gave me and got through to a rep in just a few minutes. After a lot of back and forth, the essence was that my VIN was associated with a different person's Toyota account. Long story short: My wife had added my car to HER toyotaowners website account so they thought that her account should be the only one who could access my car via the Toyota app. Currently, I can access the car via the Toyota app, and I can do the same things that entune was doing before. Entune is also able to access the car and it gives me the same access. The only problem is that now it thinks that I'm Donna.
I installed the Toyota app on my Android phone. I had used the owners web site before to get service info, so it already knew about my car. All of the telematics functions that were available on the Entune App seem to be there EXCEPT VEHICLE FINDER. Which is the only one I really care about. Unless I am just missing it. The info button on the charge stations map says that the current location of the car is supposed to be displayed there, but it isn't. The Entune phone app still seems to be fully functional, for both the media apps and the telematics apps.
Sorry if this is too old of a thread to post on. Has anyone had success in getting the Toyota app to connect or do ANYTHING with their 2017 Prime advanced? I can’t get it to do anything but just show me this
as I posted earlier I also have a 2017 Prius Prime (Premium) and had similar issues. It took several weeks and several calls to Toyota/Entune Tech Support (800-331-4331) to finally get the new Toyota App to full connect with my vehicle. On each call they could never give me a clear time/date their internal issue would be resolved. After call after call I finally nagged them enough for forward my case to a special support team for specific research on my vehicle. Days later I got an email that it was finally resolved and had "full access" (finally able to access iHeart Radio, LivexLive). I had to re-link all my accounts (Alexa, LiveXLive, iHeart) also. Bottom line, had to nag and nag and nag (creating an account history) before they finally forwarded it to someone down the chain that could fix it. Once it's fully functional, you have to go through extra steps (annoying) to get fully connected as follows:
Click on red "Get More Information" which then takes you to the "Connect" Screen SImple as pie, right?(haha)
Lol! Thank you for this!! So now my entune app suite actually does something in my car!!! Still no working entune app (redirects me to Toyota app which still doesn’t seem to get ANY info from my car like odometer, remote/safety connect) so frustrating. But thank you so much for this!!!