Actually it is Joe’s fault. Or rather his handlers’ fault since Joe lacks mental competence to do much of anything useful. Unlike Europe, the USA and Canada have vast oil production capacity that was in production but which Joe and his handlers are doing their best to kill so that they can make a false economic case for their misguided EV push. Battery technology is not where it needs to be to replace IC engines for other than urban use. On cross country trips I routinely drive 600 miles a day with numerous five minute pit stops for gasoline uptake and urea expulsion. If I had to add hours to recharge my car ever 250 miles it would be a nonstarter. The carbon sourced electric grid is woefully inadequate to support EVs. The clowns that currently run the USA government never worked a real job a day in their lives. If you want to see where this is headed unless things get changed, watch the dystopian comedy “Idiocracy” from years ago,
So have poor people. But perhaps not with the same enthusiasm you display. No, they are taking on government overreach and bullying. There are no laws or mandates against masks or vaccines. I see people in masks every day. Unlike the totalitarian states, FL lets people decide their own level of protection. I decided to be vaccinated and boosted. No one forced me to do it. If someone decides not to, that's on them and it's only their own health they are risking. Well, they also very slightly increase the risk to others who are taking the same risk. But they don't bother me since, I'm less likely to get it or to get as sick as they would. In fact, I would take it a step further; if you are unvaccinated and need hospitalization for COVID, the cost comes out of your own pocket. Get the free vaccine and stay out of the hospital so they have room for others, or pay your own expenses. I'm also vaccinated against shingles and pneumonia, among other things. There are no laws or mandates about those either.
Drill down further, Senators, Congressmen, voters et al. And Priuschatters are going to change their minds?
europe has poor people too, yet they somehow manage to survive gas prices historically 2-4 times higher than ours.
i didn't see any bullying in his email. what i do see is authority in fear that people might take a dim view of their medical advice
And they typically have health care costs much lower than ours. You can’t use isolated statistics to prove anything.
Dental costs are the elephant in the room for us. Oh, and drove by chevron (on way to dentist this morning): $2.11.9 CDN per litre.
i'm not trying to prove anything, it's just an opinion. we can reduce medical costs if we choose to, and/or subsidize gas for the poor
Gas prices have been higher than in the USA. Currently over $8 and rising. Prices are in euro/liter and now 2 euro per liter.
Definitely, when traveling on the autobahn there is an improvement in the gas mileage. It's the small trips that creates the 6 liter per 100 km or 39 mpg. Hopefully, with warmer weather and lower fuel prices will help. I also bet that there will be an increased demand for hybrids.