I drove today as usual. Suburbs to highway. AC was working 10 mins before departure from home to work. I dont know if its good or bad news!? never saw 100% charge before! Some where a year ago my inverter died and was changes by warranty. I never regain the same MPG as before IS it Trouble? 2018-07-12 09.08_edited by Dimikill posted Jul 12, 2018 at 10:54 AM
I've seen a full battery on my 2012 Prius C (87,000 Miles) about 3 days ago. (I got it a week ago). This happened when I was going down a very steep mountain hill. It feels good though knowing you can reach 100%. I've discovered that it is a rare scene.
Never. I went down the grapevine northbound LA county with tech stream. Had all bars include the half one beneath the terminal led hv battery icon, techstream said only 85%. Chickened out and started to engine brake and brake pedal tandem afterwards. No bulging battery for this guy
I have approximately 3 miles of downhill from my house to the expressway that I travel everyday. Typically I will show full bars somewhere near the end of the downhill. I can tell as the battery shows full bars and my regenerative braking shuts off. Also at least once a week I usually run the battery down to 2 bars during slow in town driving which forces the ICE to start. I now have slightly more than 245K miles on my 2010 with no problems. My mechanic friend at Toyota said cycling the NiMH battery like this is good for it. Hopefully I will get to 300K before I need any battery work. I should know in a year or so.
The fix for preventing inverters (IPM) from overheating apparently affects the MPG by reducing the power sent through the electric side, meaning the gasoline side must provide more power. Toyota Facing Lawsuits Alleging It Weakened Prius Mileage
It's not 100%. The car will not let it charge that high. Full bars is around 80% or a little over. I've had full bars many times here even without hills. It happens when I accelerate to 60 mph and then have to brake relatively quickly about a mile later. Then do it again 2 or three more times. The lights here are designed for maximum pollution and fuel consumption. And horrific rear enders.
this still happens in my 2010 @ 256k, assuming a good indicator that the traction battery/cells still functional as supposed to be?
Not an indication of anything. If it takes a long time to get to full bars (and to two bars in the other direction) that a good sign. If it goes up and down quickly, that's a bad siign.
It happens when touching the brake pedal at highway exits to let it regenerate thru long ramps and a little bit afterward