i was just gifted a really clean 2004 prius by my neighbor, he told me the car was driving and just died so the parked it. it sat for over 2 years now, i was able to hook up a battery and get it in neutral to push it home. now that i have it in the garage and up on jackstands i noticed the catalytic converters and the HV battery had been stolen. i was able to source a rebuilt HV battery and a new 12v thinking thats all i needed to get it going. well its still dead. here is what i have done so far. installed HV battery and 12v. HV shows 235v and the small battery is at 12-13.5 dome light, head lights and brake lights all work, the radio, hvac all works but the dash is dark. when i try to turn the car on the mfd shows only one bar on the screen and the check engine light turns on. i tried force start and only the radiator fans turned on. i also checked for the inverter pump and it is definitely working, i can see it flowing in the reservoir. also made sure the orange switch on the battery was locked down. what i noticed is that there is no power coming out of the HV battery after the relays. i can hear them clicking when i double press the start button but nothing happens after that. the only code i was able to pull from the car was a p0a80. i cleared it and i hasnt came back but then again the car has not been able to into drive or reverse or even able to get the ICE to start. i dont know what else to do or check to get this thing going. hopefully someone has had this issue and can help me out. thanks in advance
What's your definition of a really clean 2004? Mileage? Do you see signs of rodent damage? Any half eaten wires or rodent feces? I don't like the fact that this car was "driving and it suddenly died". That's not a dead battery problem Where did this rebuilt HV battery come from? Does the car have GAS in it?
And the dash light out is very common failure. Use search forums link up top and search combo meter You can get a rebuilt combo pretty cheap for $100 and then sell your core for $50.
I meant clean as in the body and interior. There is no signs of any rodent poop or cables chewed up. Even checked all the stuff behind the glove box for damage. They told me it has around 160k miles but i can't confirm that without the dash turning on.
start: foot on brake (make sure brake lights come on) one push did you complete the 3 step process when replacing the orange safety plug? 12v should measure at least 12.7v at the jump point under the hood, after the car has been off a few hours
Check the fuses in the front engine compartment, make sure AM2 fuse not blown. you can try to turn on the headlights before starting the car, some have mentioned this method is able to turn on the dash lights if you try a few times
Press down on the brake pedal with a foot, then press on the start button for 2 seconds. If you've disconnected the 12v recently, then you will have to do this process 'twice', with a power down step (push/hold for 2 seconds) between the starting attempts. If the vehicle didn't come with owner manuals, you can download them here : 2004 Toyota Prius Manuals & Warranties | Toyota Owners Which device are you using to retrieve the OBD2 codes, as many aren't toyota hybrid compatible. Consider a mini-vci cable and techstream. FYI : you're moderated until you've posted 5 times.
I checked fuses and they're all good. Even the ones under the dash. What i don't get is how the hv has over 200v before the relays and nothing after.
It’s going to be very hard to help you with all the generalized statements. 200 volts does not disappear without alot of drama. The final relay is probably not closing because your in hybrid battery alarm. If you had a dash it would probably have Red Triangle of Death RTOD and I bet you have a icon of a car in red inthe upper left corner of the mfd screen. Bad Rebuilt hv battery is guess #1. You need a proper obd tool to pull hybrid codes like Toyota Techstream or Dr Prius phone app. to check the hv battery using good Dc DVM with someone pushing the start button while pushing the brake down you monitor across the 2 car battery leads you connected to the relay when the battery was installed. Should have a minimum of at least 210 volts across those 2 wires. That’s the minimum voltage required to start the car. Anything lower relay will not engage. My guess is you have nothing there. Because the hybrid battery is in alarm and relay not closing. Hybrid battery highly monitored anything at all bad like ground fault or bad delta or low pack voltage or low current capability or a single module not good and the system will not connect it to the car. By not allowing that main Relay to close. or you do not have the orange hv battery safety switch installed correctly. Push it in flip up the locking lever than that locking lever is locked by then sliding that lever straight down. Flip it up push it down. Please be more detailed in what your posting. How you are testing it.
This very likely a combination of problems and misunderstandings. when 12v power is lost and then restored (like replacing a dead 12v battery) place foot on brake and press the power button one time, the car will boot and just about every light on the dash will light. Keeping foot on brake, press power button one more time and those lights should reset anf the car should go ready, assuming no other problems. it sounds very likely the safety disconnect isn't installed correctly at the HV battery. There are three steps, because there is an interlock contact that must be activated so the computer knows the disconnect has been installed. one-slide the safety into the socket. two-rotate the handle 90 degrees upward to fully seat the disconnect in the socket. three-push straight downward on the top of the handle and the handle will slide down about 1/2", which will activate the internal contacts to satisfy the interlock. you may be experiencing the combination meter failing if you get no lights on the dash. Hundreds of threads on the forum about it.
I will invest in some better tools to diagnose this car and i will get back with proper numbers and codes. I really appreciate everyone that has tried to help me out.
My techstream cable came in today and i was able to dig a lil deeper and turns out the "rebuilt"hv battery I got wasnt as good as i thought. Turns out i have 4 bad cells under 6volts. Hopefully i can change those out and get this car going again.
Update... installed the new cells from ebay and its running now. Im super thankfull for the help on this site. Now i have to get the dash fixed and do a full detail. Thanks again