A week ago, I closed the door to my 2012 Prius 3 when the key was inside, and the doors locked. The engine was not on, and I don't recall whether I locked the doors or not. However, I thought the doors are not supposed to lock if the key in inside. [The police had to pry open the door] Then the next time I went out to the car, which is in the garage of my apt building, my Prius' lights started flashing when I exited the elevator into the parking garage. I had not touched the key in my purse, and this has never happened before. I then approached the car, and the dashboard was illuminated! I certainly had not left the car on. The doors would not unlock despite that I had the key in my purse (as they normally do). I took out the key and pressed the button to unlock the doors, and this time, the doors unlocked, and the dashboard went back to normal (i.e. nothing illuminated). any thoughts on what this could be? thanks!
How old is the 12v auxiliary battery in the car? How old are the batteries in the key fob(s)? Random electrical problems appear when either batteries get low and are about to die. Hopefully, it's just batteries and not something more serious and expensive like rodents or critters chewing on the electrical wiring or insulation surrounding the wires. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I replaced the battery in the key fob about 5 weeks ago. I'm not sure how old the 12V battery is... Any suggestions on how I can test the battery? thanks for your help!
Most batteries have a date sticker on them for warranty purposes. Most automotive parts stores will test your battery for free. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
No, they will not touch it since it's in the trunk. Test it with Solar9 or smt like that Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.