The other day I got an Entune app update that basically said "switch to the toyota app." I've kinda anticipated this for a while, and I've been using the Toyota App and the Entune App side by side to compare. The Entune App always tells me how much time I have left to charge, whereas the Toyota app will sometimes throw a can't reach server error. Also, Entune app tells me the economy of my previous drives, wheras the Toyota app *always* says can't reach server. Has anyone else been messing around with the new app? Seeing similar issues?
Well the Entune app on my Android finally got that update and is now dead. I don't mind missing the silly sheep, but I the vehicle locator functionality seems to be inoperable on the Toyota App, at least on my 2017 Advanced. This was really the only reason I had the Safety Connect functionality There is supposed to be a "Last Parked Location" tab in the Toyota App, but I cannot find it. How do I use the Vehicle Finder in the Toyota app?
yea i'm not seeing it either. i restored a backup of the previous version of the entune app and just not gonna update it.
On the positive side.. The TOYOTA app started up quickly today (for the first time) and quickly responded as I went into the climate control section and the charge control.
I filed a report with the "Feedback" function on the Toyota app, that I couldn't find the vehicle location info for my 2017 Advanced. I got an auto-reply, but I am not holding my breath for a real response, let alone a fix.
I also filed a feedback report for each missing feature. Maybe if enough people complain they will fix it.