I recently replaced the battery in my 2012 Prius. Now the distance to empty isn't working properly. It seems to be overestimating the distance to empty by around 120 miles. I recently filled the tank in hopes this would fix the problem but it hasn't. Is there any chance this will self-correct over time or is there a fix I need to do that anyone knows about? Also, now I can't get the trip A and B to show average mpg of fuel consumption and speed on the instrument panel anymore. Instead it shows "Savings" which I've never seen before and don't want. Any help with these two issues would be greatly appreciated.
Really weird seems to me before I go messing with my gen 3 I'm going to plug up 12 volt supply or another battery whatever up at the fuse box on the red door and a ground car off and then take my battery in the trunk out there by holding everything as it is I keep hearing things like this and it's like what the hell
Yeah it sounds like a bad ground or extremely low voltage 9 or 10 was this battery just bought off of shelf and dropped in the car and not even checked