Hello, My trusty 2010 is having issues lately when the AC is on. It'll stutter when trying to accelerate, and the deceleration is very slow on the uptake whenever I remove/reduce pressure on the gas petal. Any thoughts on what this could be?
how many miles on her? have you cleaned the egr circuit? a/c is using hybrid battery, so you need more engine.
170k miles. I haven't cleaned or done anything since I have no skills. Would a dirty/clogged EGR necessarily result in an error code, or no? (No such issues in several months now that I haven't been using the AC anymore.)
not necessarily, because the circuit includes a lot more than just the valve. it could also be a weaker hybrid battery after 11 years, but the engine should still be smooth. have you done all the necessary maintenance; plugs/coils/injectors/throttle body and etc.?
Worse: a blown head gasket, and subseequently, bent piston arms. More info in my signature. They all clog up, cleaning is best undertaken before 100K. Leaving it till "conditions" manifest is leaving it too late. Toyota doesn't acknowledge the need to be proactive; take your pick. The highlighted portion of this (Toyota Canada) document is a bald lie:
running the ac has no affect on your car, no drag actually. it's an electric pump that relies on your hybrid battery to run.
It's a variable-speed electric pump, that can use anywhere between about a third of a HP to about four HP from the hybrid battery ... all of which must ultimately come from ... somewhere.
Thats it? So I guess it's an engine problem and not the traction battery? Guess it's time for a new engine.
Its amazing the ac can run at full capacity without the engine running... if it isn't the hybrid battery providing all the compressor and climate control power my understanding of physics needs a refresher.
The hybrid battery capacity from 100% charge to 0% doornail dead is about 1.3 kilowatt hours. But you don't get to use that. The car is pretty careful to keep it in a range from about 40% to 80%, and usually narrower than that. So that's about half a kilowatt hour ... usually less. The A/C running at full capacity is around three kilowatts. So yes, it can do that, without the engine running ... for about a sixth of an hour (ten minutes), or less ... assuming no power used by anything else. After which point (if not before!), there is going to be gasoline burned to put that energy back into the hybrid battery. And that's where the power to run your A/C comes from.