Source: Scientists discover hidden passageway beneath Panama through which wind from Earth's middle layer blows, Science News | Scientists discover hidden passageway beneath Panama through which wind from Earth's middle layer blows Amusing article title. Bob Wilson
Other sources for the wio-impaired “Mantle wind” blows through slab window beneath Panama – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution High 3He/4He in central Panama reveals a distal connection to the Galápagos plume | PNAS == For me, most interesting connection is that this thing started happening about 8mya. That's when Panama rose to create land bridge between the Americas. Animal species from both sides went walking to the other and had many interesting adventures.
I remember an article years ago that said california was going to fall off. People ("journalists") ran with it. 'Twas a simple miss-understanding of science. Yes, the western portion of California is moving northward relative the the mainland. As it does, erosion wears off the land. Eventually, after millions of years, that portion of CA will have moved northward into the area now occupied by ocean and will be gone. It will not have fallen off all at once as was implied. This article reads the same to me. A hole? wind? No, at the temperatures and pressures in the mantle, there are no journey to the center of the earth openings, caves, chasms, passageways, etc.
But... but... that's where The Silurians live, inside the Earth. They have created safe high-tech living cities within the deadly heat of the mantle where their long-lived species have survived for many millions of years. They used to live on the surface, so these portals to underneath must exist in many locations.