I have a 2009 Prius. The electric battery is still okay. But, once the electric battery is dead, will the car run on gasoline only?
If the car senses a problem with the hybrid battery system it will shut down that system and then car will run on gas engine only until you turn the car off and then it won't run at all until the error codes are cleared or the hybrid battery is repaired. To prevent warning lights/hybrid system shut down getting you stranded use one of these Hybrid battery diagnostic and repair tool for Toyota and Lexus and Dr. Prius app on your phone to clear error codes to hopefully make it home without the battery pack overheating. It's wise to have one of these in your glove box!
I guess it depends if you were asking if you could use the car without the traction battery....... NO..................
Not really. The high voltage has to be available for the inverter and transaxle to work. HV is necessary to start the gas engine. You can have an extremely bad hv battery in terms of capacity but it is necessary to start the gas engine everytime. No hv battery voltage means the car won't run. You can get into a situation where the gas engine is doing all the work and never turns off during normal driving. But getting the car to start after shutdown requires the hv battery.
Since my hybrid battery in Prius 2009 is only going to last 100,000 miles, and that is where we are now, Can replacing cells be a cure? I am not technical at all, but I have read posts discussing this. If it is true, where do I go to get this done? We are in our 80s, and cannot buy a new hybrid battery when ours fails. Please be specific in your reply, remember, I am OLD.
You might want to sell it and get a non hybrid. New Batteries are $1600 not installed. 100,0000 is low mileage. And the batteries can go way past 100,000 miles but there is a time limit on the pack..... best to save for a new battery pack especially if you plan on keeping the car longer. Trying to swap out individual batteries is a real pain...... and the the others will fail. Total nightmare especially if you don't know what your doing.
How do you know that? In certain states it came with a 150,000 mile warranty, though also with a time limit that you are a couple years past. While numerous older Prii have had battery problems, many others are still on the road with original batteries.
Don't fix it if it is not broke. And your age is not an excuse in 2021. Buying another car these days is way more expensive than a new hybrid battery when the time comes. Don't buy used tires and don't buy used hybrid batteries. Ever. Your original battery at 100k is better than a used, reconditioned, repainted or "guaranteed" rebuilt alternative. You are good until at least 150k miles or higher. Bottom line: If your dash is not lighting up like a Christmas tree with bulbs you have never seen, you are good. Don't let the do it yourselfers here scare you.
Does your battery hold a steady charge? A somewhat easy but not super technical way to know would be to look at the energy monitor screen. Does it stay at the 6 blue bars consistently? Or do you see a lot of fluctuation between the pink or purple (cant remember) for 2 bars and green for 8? what is your mpg and driving conditions?
This video will give you some understanding as to how the hybrid system works. around 13:50 it talks about how the engine assists MG2 but at no point does the engine and MG1 propel the car by itself
My 2007 has nearly 200k miles on it and the original battery is in great shape. Mainly depends on how often the car is driven.
has it been in florida its whole life? original battery there this many years later would surprise me!
No and don't plan to until I feel I am a danger to myself or others. I am fine mentally and physically and have no health problems.