Not at all. Appears the all too common faux pas of placing the reply before the "quote" have things a bit out of order Fixed it above Edit: too.
Was never a good sleeper and after developing some GI problems have to try and sleep more upright now. After a couple of years of wedge pillows, elevating the headboard side, sleeping in recliners, etc., finally broke down and bought an adjustable bed w/memory foam mattress. Still have problems sleeping but it helps with the GI problems and I can adjust the bed as I need it throughout the night if necessary.
I've been using one of those for years, they do help with the heartburn. But I tend to slide down toward the footer if I get too big an elevation. it doesn't take a whole lot...
Wow: This is a blast from the past. And, sort of timely, because, in the past few weeks I have, once again, been having sleep issues. I've been doing some tough work with mudpuppies and you would think that would wear me out, but no. Two to three hours of sleep and I am wide awake. So, the last couple of nights, chamomile tea. Don't know if the tea is the cure or not, but have been sleeping straight through the night. And, while my dogs are certainly muddy messes this time of year, they are not the "puppies" I am referring to above... kris.
If chamomile tea becomes less effective you might want to consider valerian root tea.......if you haven't already tried it.
One thing I haven't seen mentioned that could be a cause for some people's insomnia: medicines and supplements. I once developed terrible insomnia and had no idea why. I would lie in bed wondering why I wasn't the slightest bit tired. Was I worried about something--some kind of hidden stress? Did I have any caffeine in the late afternoon? (I don't drink coffee--maybe tea? Chocolate?) Finally it dawned on me that I had started taking the CoQ10 supplement because I heard that it can be good for you. I did some research and, sure enough, it causes insomnia in some people. I stopped taking it and then I could fall asleep just fine. The same thing happened to me recently when a doctor recommended changing when I take one of my blood pressure medicines from the morning to the evening. Again, insomnia that I couldn't explain. Again, I finally figured it out, and the problem went away. This doesn't explain a lot of people's insomnia but it is important to keep in mind just in case it is the culprit.
Chocolate? Really. Hmm, seems I just started a regime of devouring Nutella I have been losing weight (not intentionally) and am tired of my pants ending up around my knees. I seriously do not NEED to lose weight (if anything, I probably need to add some 15 or more pounds). Darn, scarfing Nutella coincides with my sleep issues. Well, I already had several hundred calories of it today. I will go cold turkey off it starting Saturday and see what that accomplishes....
Many companies (including mine) require Commercial Driving Licenses for some of their employees, and if you get into a vehicle accident they *can* make you take a whiz-quiz.