I'm trying to post a question in the gen 2 maintenance section, but it says I need 4 posts to talk on that forum. But the same requirement seems to exist for all of the forums?
Yes. Except THIS one. AND I believe you can "reply" to existing threads in other forums too in order to meet the requirement. If you reply to this post, then you will only have 2 more to go.
Due to getting absolutely swamped by bot posts a while back, the forum now requires that the first few posts from a new member be moderated to prevent that. We only have one moderator and he actually does have a life, so sometimes it can take a little while. Since he's the only one, I'm always amazed at how prompt he usually is.
That explains a lot. I'm new too. Thanks for the info, and thank you Moderator for the great work you do keeping this forum safe!
This is hard to figure out. I have posted over 100 comments starting 4 years ago but there's no "post new thread" anywhere. Really needed some help tonight.
It is also hard to figure out why folks are posting in reply to your problem WITHOUT giving a clue as to what the answer is. IF.....you click on the name of a sub-forum, the "post new thread" button should be near the upper right corner in a prominent large box. As for the other changes that were made recently, that is just more of Danny's screwing around. In this case, I suspect it is an attempt to generate more read "clicks" to inflate the amount of traffic that he reports to his ad "partners" and get more revenue. I'm about ready to leave.
I am in the same situation. I was hoping to post a question about uneven tire deflation in cold weather.
ANd now you have 3 posts. Only one more to go. It is not unusual for the pressure drop to be somewhat uneven when cold weather sets in. They might not have been exactly equal to start with. Or one side might be sitting in the sun.
@Tideland Prius can you confirm what is quoted below? I've seen a few similar forum formats changing over the last year or two and it looks to me like a ton of javascript updates are to blame for the things most users are complaining about, and has little to do with the forum administrators, as far as I can tell.
I guess we need to make about 4-5 posts or responses until our main post about our question will be public for everyone Why do they make such rules need help and mechanic will only **** us over
I feel sorry for folks who are so jaded and cynical. I hope you get over that soon. The rules are necessary because the world is loaded with BAD people who take pleasure in tearing down anything that they can. The good people have to suffer a bit because of that.