hotlanta! heat may be coming forthe chop, local native americans getting paid off, but national uprising may be coming. manfred is a dufess
Concur. The Commish has had a pretty tough year, but he brought some of it on himself. Woke-scolding Atlanta over “voting rights” by yanking their All Star game and giving it to a state with MORE restrictive voting practices was an interesting look, alright. Rob REALLY wanted a Yankees-Dodgers series, but would have settled for nearly ANYTHING but a Gawja-Texas matchup. Gotta love the irony. Most of the “heat” is coming white liberals who would be hard pressed to identify which of the 574 federally recognized tribes are being insulted…but in defense of some of the SINCERE activists, their claim is that the ‘chops’ are meant to depict and caricature not just one tribal community but all Native people. Not my particular battle either way, since I tend to watch college ball….and some teams (looking at YOU, FSU!) haven’t drawn the ire of the usual suspects. YET. There MIGHT be a Georgia Baseball Team someday….but probably not before Rob gets a theory-to-practice lesson on the law of unintended consequences.
For other perspectives: Are Colorado's voting laws really more restrictive than Georgia's? — The Georgia Sun
yep, son in law is an fsu alum, hard left progressive and sees nothing wrong with the mascot . 'there are none so blind as he who will not see'
They were Boston Braves 1871-1952. Beat Yankees in World series from intermediate stop in Milwaukee. @bisco can root for them.
Gonna be a big TV revenue night tonight! Commercials non-stop! Dreams coming true. Hopes being shattered....and it might be a while before we find out who wins in the end. Oh.... AND I think there's a baseball game on tonight too......
i just noticed last night that the chiefs do the tomahawk chop too. who copied who? it was good to see a former pres doing it at the atlanta game, kinda puts the nail in the coffin. tomahawk-chop-music-pow-wow.html
First place I saw it was FSU in the late 80s. Not sure how the original 'Noles feel about it, and quite frankly I'm not sure I care. I typically root for the pachyderms and whoever is playing against LSU, so I don't really have a hatchet in that fight. I didn't remember that KC did the chop, but the NFL is even more rudderless that MLB these days, so I stopped watching. Their games are almost as slow as baseball these days. It might be that "the chop" is gaining currency as an LGB thing...starting out as a media/swamp meme in NASCAR and growing. Or? It's mostly a Woke White Liberal kinda thing. There are less than 5,000(**)Seminole and between their tax-free smoke shops and a high-stakes bingo operations in God's Waiting Room......I'm not really sure who is taking advantage of whom. They're wealthy enough collectively that made noises about cutting them off a while back but I'm not sure how that wound up. (**) Whether or not you're a "real" Seminole or you're channeling your inner Liz and you just "identify" as one is a bit of a tangle, since they were forcibly relocated in the 19th century and most of the remaining FLA 'Noles were and are scattered about the Sunshine state. According to, there are a little less than 20,000 folks who identified as Seminole, but there are less than 5,000 such people who are thusly 'papered.' Since they are collectively worth some bucks, individually they might be worth MORE than Harvard professors make by "claiming" to be indigenous, perhaps a powerful incentive to be documented as least 25% Seminole.
Braves' starting pitcher M. Fried was just relieved in 7th. Looks kinda MVP-ish. All that may be discussed in game audio, but it does not get way over here.
So much for astro’s cheating. I had no idea the rave’s were that good. It will be hard to stop the chop after a 7-0 drubbing