Tired of your friends making fun of you for driving a Prius? For $120 you will soon have the admiration and respect you as a red blooded American male that you deserve. I think I may have a solution. Solid aluminum construction, 2 minutes to install and remove back to stock if needed. Nothing will command respect, nor show fellow drivers that you mean business even when picking up a gallon of milk from your local Winn-Dixie. Give your Prius the “Man Up” it deserves with 50caliber freedom sticks mounted on your bumper. Nothin’ like overcompensation to get yer friends to give you a little respect. If interested, call me at 503-452-4226 or email me at [email protected]. free shipping.
Alright, I replied before on your other post about these but you never responded. How many of these do you have?
It’s a custom made piece there’s really only one pair of these. The cost of the materials and the machining of the barrels cost me about $150. I had a lot of fun with them and hoping someone else could. No disappointments they are definitely cool looking.