As the title states I had all 5 of these lights just pop up at once. My car is at 115k and has driven like a dream before this. Now I cant get the car to accelerate above 25mph. I had it towed to a shop but haven't heard from them yet, please leave any helpful comments or suggestions on what I should do. Thanks.
From just the lights alone and no other information, it looks expensive. Probably HV battery replacement expensive. How long have you ignored the maintenance light? That could not have come on the same time as the other 4 lights.
The MAINT REQD light is nothing but clockwork. It's been 5000 miles since the last time the light was reset. The other combination of lights can be on for a couple hundred reasons that range from expensive to trivial. Only by reading the trouble codes do you find out. The codes behind the ((!)) and VSC lights can be retrieved by counting light blinks, with no fancy tool other than a short jumper wire, if you don't have a scan tool. Codes behind the check-engine and master warning (triangle) lights can be read with a suitable scan tool. Pretty much any scan tool will see the engine codes. One that speaks Prius will be needed for the other codes behind the triangle light.
When did that happen ? As.....did they all come on when you pushed the "start" button in an attempt to turn the car ON (ready mode) ?? If so, you should not neglect to have the 12 V battery and it's main connections checked.
When you say "....cant get the car to accelerate above 25mph...." what exactly happened there? Did the engine rev up to and hold a certain steady mid range RPM, and then the car move very spongily and weakly, just allowing you to move it around? Or was it more of a coughing, misfiring type of condition of the ICE? The first option would mean computer put it in limp mode, sign of a problem, but not necessarily the problem itself. Offhand, it sounds like your computer detected a fault in the hybrid battery and kicked you into limp mode so you could get home. The advice from earlier posts are best - You need to have the codes read before proceeding.
The low miles on the car almost guarantees it’s a bad hybrid battery. They do best when driven daily when not the hybrid battery life is shortened. Prius G2 is a bad choice of car if the car is not driven much. Use the search forums link up top and search Dr Prius that’s a free phone app that can diagnose the codes thrown and clear them and check the hybrid battery health. It requires a Bluetooth Obd interface called Clarista that allows it to connect to the car. I bought my Clarista on Lots of discussion about it. also search HYBRID BATTERY as that’s thats where your headed to I’m afraid.