What is this? It came stashed in the trunk of an ‘04 Prius I bought years ago. Now ready to sell the car, I figure I better find out what this thing is.
Thanks! That has been sitting in the tool tray, probably since some prior owner took it off. I also recall seeing it, thinking "what the heck is that for?", and just leaving it be.
Just in case Tideland's illustration doesn't show it clearly enough, here is a picture of it from my car, from a previous query:
Since @Tideland Prius releases the posts to the masses if they are less than five posts, he gets a sneak peek. Chooses his battles it appears.
Lol. It wasn’t 2:13am where I am when I posted but, yes, sure, I’ll take credit . Having mods across the country certain helps cover the different time zones.