Other EVs I've purchased/used came with a metal holder to hold the "brick" part of the charger, but Toyota just wants you to hang it on a nail (the hole isn't even level with the back of the brick so it can't be mounted flush). I was wondering if anyone knew of any good aftermarket holders. Something similar to this, but the right dimensions of course.
Here's what I have in our garage: No need for a holder for the brick as it does mount to the wall. The hook I had lying around and this setup has worked well.
I have to attach it to brick. Does the Prime charger have two holes. I'm still using the charger from my PiP and it only has one hole. It's literally impossible to mount horizontally.
I tried that, but the location is tricky. The only possibility for it to mount where it is is to mount it vertically with the charger cable on top and the plug on the bottom. The single hole makes that impossible.
Mounting on the left side of the outlet is required because that's the side the in-use opening is on, and because the right side may be more exposed to weather. The black "pipe" is someone's idea of a joke I suppose, but that's how the CATV enters the house. Significant work would be required to change it's location. This is outdoors but in a covered porch area. The only way I can see to mount it without extension cords is upside down above the CATV service, or horizontally basically resting on the outlet. I may go that route, but one screw hole that can't even be tightened all the way seems risky as far as an over-eager child helping on the morning and yanking on the cable.
Cord long enough to dangle over to the left of the white pvc? Not sure on length of PiP cordage. That way one screw could be enough for vertical?
PiP cord is like 6 inches. It's not even long enough to mount high enough to clear the CATV. I want to find the person(s) responsible for making the requirement that EVSE cords are stupid short and strangle them in their sleep. It is nothing but problems and only encourages hazardous behavior with extension cords and other jury rigging.
Why not try mounting it on the right side of the box? The length of the Prime cord seems equivalent to the length of the PIP, so you'd have enough if you went to the right. I had a Ford J1772 protocol cord laying on the ground where I used to work for two years and it was fine. Since it rarely rains I thought it was low risk . But I think mounting to the right might be a viable option.
The opening for the weather cover on the outlet is on the bottom or the left. The cord is too short to run out the bottom and mount on the right or the left. You lose about 4 inches just getting out of the box. Also, on the right it will be significantly more exposed to rain. A metal cradle like other cars come with will solve the problem. EDIT - Also, the single hole makes it a pivot. Anyone pulling on the charger will turn it into a lever that pulls on the plug cable. I don't like that.
Rain in So Cal. How I had the Ford Cord mounted at work was on the south side of a building and it was exposed to the minimal amount of rain we get here in the East Bay Area. If you are concerned about the rain, I'd unplug the connection and close the door. Good luck in your quest.
is that a top hinge option i see on the cover? my pip brick is hanging on a hook off of an eyelet. i've never seen a holder, unless someone could 3d print one?
Yes. That's how you configure it to feed the cord out the bottom. Unfortunately the cord is too short to mount anywhere in that case. I think whoever was designing that single eye placement just assumed you could mount under the outlet.
Is that outdoor box code in CA???? joking, but hey it is all waterproof rated. sling it out the bottom and sit it on a brick, should be done deal.
I think it's code compliant. It's a weather-resistant GFI with weather-resistant enclosure. I'm trying to get away from the "resting on a brick" because someone keeps pulling the charger too far and leaves it dangling from the outlet.
The employer I have now has ChargePoint stations. Guess where their components sit 24/7? The units are built well and designed for winter duty. Should be good enough for a So Cal shower. OCD sounds about right.
I'm too cautious for that. I wouldn't let it sit out in the rain, even wrapped. If I really had to use it exposed I would probably use two "Tupperware" style containers to make a waterproof enclosure.