Hi all, I just got bad codes like this : P0A80 and P3020 codes and surely fan is running, it's clear for me that it's bad module #20 is going bad, i'm concerned that I barely can drive it now, on my way back max speed was max 35 mph, while RPM was high, is this OK, maybe it kind of security feature, if it wasn't Hybird I would tell that it's bad clutch. My trusted service is 40 miles away, thought to drive there but it's not realistic now. Just would like to make sure that fixing battery will fix the whole thing. I did replace couple of modules 12 month ago, actually I'm not sure how many modules was replaced , and during this service fan was cleaned so it's not an issue with fan. My car is 260K Thanks much to all for advice. Thanks much. I'm in CA, 94066 close to SF.
That's possible, as the code you have refers to block #10, which is modules 19 and 20. Just so I understand, how are you sure the bad module is 20 and not 19? If these are the only codes you have, I'm pretty sure fixing the problem will solve the drivability issues.
Thanks ChapManF, sorry I need to back out my guess with module # -), I just learned that there are 14 blocks with 2 modules in each (total 28), one guy gave me wrong info. I will believe to yours # 19,20 .
Did your prior module replacement(s) include balancing/reconditioning the pack as a whole? Do you plan on swapping in additional modules, ala 'whack-a-mole', or would you replace the whole pack with something else? (new OEM, new aftermarket, low mileage recent wreck, etc)
Hi SFO, sorry I don't know complete technical details about my prev reconditioning, did it via my friend in Sac. Alas he is no longer in the area. I still looking for best option to make my Prius running, probably go with complete pack for $600. I'm in Bay Area. (PRIUS: Hybrid Battery Repair - CALL FOR REPLACEMENT! - auto parts -...) Do you know why even with this error car runs max 35 mph? even on high RPM . Tx M
Most will recommend against buying a hodge podge of mix match modules, and most that offer such don't always stand behind what they sell. Think of the warranty as 30 feet or thirty seconds, whichever gets them farther. Do you plan on keep the vehicle for any length of time? Because the HV battery is no longer contributing to the process, the vehicle is running via the engine output.
Have you thought about a new OEM, a NEW aftermarket (lithium or NPB), as all would offer years of solid performance and reliability.