Hi All Want to install backup camera on None Nav Unit and I have read the thread None Nav Unit installation. Few questions if you guys can help 1, 17 foot RCA cable length enough ? 2, CCD sensor w/ IR light or LED light camera? 3, Camera Positive power from reverse light or must from unit?
No.. PriusChater are electrical retardant, included me LOL. Another than that, mechanically, are superb.
I have not installed a back up camera in a Prius, but I did install one in a 4-door Kia sedan. My opinion is that 17 feet should be enough. The light shouldn't be needed, as your white reverse lights should provide enough light at night time. As far as power source, it depends on where the image will show. Generally, aftermarket back up cameras tap into the reverse lights for power primarily because you want them to turn on when you shift into reverse. When you shift out of reverse, you don't need the camera image, so it turns off because there's now no power. This may be different if you're trying to display the image on the installed HU. In my case, I installed a rear-view mirror with a built-in screen, so I only wanted it to power on when I was in reverse.