It speaks well of my 2021 Prime LE that my sole quibble is about cupholders. My favorite thermos won't fit in the cupholders. And since my phone needs to be plugged in right behind the cupholders, it basically has to sit inside one of the two cupholders, leaving nowhere for a passenger to park a beverage. Also, the back seat only has those in-door cupholders that work ok for water bottles but not for to-go coffee. There seem to be various after-market gadgets to address these issues. Surely some of y'all have already experienced successes or failures with cupholder "hacks." Care to share what works for you?
How big is your thermos? My 18oz insulated bottle fits in the cup holder fine. Also, for the rear seats, I have never used them, but if only two are seated, the center cushion folds down as a console and has two same-size cup holders. edit: I just checked with a 26oz insulated bottle we have and it also fits fine in the cupholder. The only insulated bottle that did not fit was a 40 oz bottle. But that's way too big to drink out of while driving.
Speaking of cup holders in the prime, does anyone have any tips for stopping the blinding glare from the glossy area around the cupholders?
I deleted all piano black in my previous PP by wrapping them with non-shiny textured vinyl. That includes the center console and the shift gear panel as well as the front dash panel around the head unit. I have not done it with my current PP, but that is on my TODO list. The center console piece has a 3D shape, and it was not possible to wap with a single piece. Plastidip painting may be easier. Also, using hydro dip is another possibility, but the size is large, you may have to ask a pro to do it for you.