Got my first flat today; luckily it was in my driveway. Is there a jack and lug wrench in the 2021 Primes? I just used my garage tools. Now I'm going to get serious about getting a spare tire, highway plugs, and possibly tools from a late model Corolla. If I was on the road, this would've ruined my day. I noticed the OEM tire was pretty flimsy, with thin sidewalls. I was also surprised to find no anti-seize on the lug studs. It was at the dealership two months ago for the 5K tire rotation.
The jack is located underneath the rear driver passenger seat. I bought a spare tire that I carry around just in case . Lucky you found the opportunity while in your driveway.
Woah Nelly: you've got a scissor jack and lug nut wrench in there. I'm surprised you were surprised: you're not supposed to use anti-seize; the torque spec is 76 foot/pounds with clean/dry threads. That's a tire plug-repair kit? Good idea. Also worth having: a small bottle of soapy water, chalk or wax pen (for marking plug location), gloves (especially for winter), reflective vest (triangles, cones, etc), pliers (for pulling stuff out of tires), a smallish square of plywood (to put under the scissor jack on soft ground or gravel) and last but not least: someway to inflate the tire, preferably without using the #&@?! included compressor with goop. Dead simple and very reliable, is a lowly floor standing bicycle pump. We're off on a minor road trip tomorrow, and taking one along.