Aloha! My 2010 Prius has 167K and is on it’s 2nd 12 volt battery (I think). I’m second owner, bought in 2019. Car sold new fall of 2009, assume OEM battery went 6 or 7 years, that would put this battery at 5-6 years old. No stickers on battery showing date of install. Yesterday I checked voltage (without key fob present) and got 12.66 volts. Did not drive car, today got 12.45 volts and then 12.08 volts with headlights on. Any comments on probable life of this battery? I’m a big believer in preventative maintenance and would want to replace with OEM before it starts acting up. Batteries here in Hawaii are exposed to medium humidity and temperature from 70F-90F every day of the year. Any thoughts appreciated! PEH
I don’t know much, but I feel that the battery is okay, because as long as it is ready, the hybrid battery will charge it
If your usage is low, AND you have convenient/secure 120 volt AC, I’d heartily recommend a smart charger, one that’s safe to leave on constantly.
Nice work with the warranty hv pack and brake booster. You are probably good for an another year on the 12v battery especially when reading 12.66v at rest. The best test is an auto supply load test, often free. I would buy a $100 Noco Jump Pack and keep it in the car as backup. The advantages of a jump pack include the ability to help someone else without risking your electronics through a conventional jumper cable hook up. Inadvertent reverse polarity jumps can be serious even if it just blows fuses and fusible links.
That's a pretty big drop. Given the maintenance philosophy that you have, I suggest ordering one NOW......because in some places the wait to get one is several months. But the suggestion about a battery tender is also a good one, partly because it should be fully charged before you embark on any kind of tests.