Hi Everyone i decided to clean my cooling fan for the hv battery as preventative maintenance and I was shocked as to how filthy it is. My 2006 prius only has 77k miles, but i’ll attach a picture. it is covered in filth. Any ideas on how to get it all off? I’ve used a new toothbrush and a plastic fork to gently scrape a lot off. I am also vacuuming periodically, but there is still so much stuck on. Thanks! The next picture is the “clean” version, but is still really dirty.
thanks, i’ve been using q tips and have had a ton of luck! i’ll send an after pic update. i’m really glad i decided to check out my fan iPhone ?
Run a duster boa through all the ductwork too. If you’ve got a vacuum that can be set to blow, that’s good too, for chasing dust outa the corners.
It was my first time working near the hv battery. Total like an hour and a half, but now that you know the q tip trick it should be less than an hour. I’ve also watched videos and read articles and never saw one as dirty as mine was
What’s the cabin filter look like? What’s the engine air filter look like? How low is the oil on the engine dipstick?
Here was my engine air filter a couple weeks ago! I changed my oil myself last month and filled it to abt 3 quarters up the dipstick and 2500 miles later it’s still at that spot
Why is your car so filthy? Why 3/4 on the dipstick there’s a full line that’s where it needs to be. How many miles on the car.
it has 78k miles. I bought it from an elderly man and it used to be his wife’s car. It sat for awhile while she was sick before she passed so my guess is dust? no pets tho so it still seems weird. I filled it 3/4 between low and full because it was overfilled twice before i just started doing my own oil changes.
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the problem with that is if you don’t keep the oil at some certain demark You will never know if it’s eating oil or starts eating oil and how many engines have we seen on this site fail from lack of oil. Oil light comes on too late. And it’s always the just bought it. But whatever don’t stress about it.
You'll be fine at that level and it is better than being overfilled. There are bigger things in life to worry about.
Too: when doing oil changes, I put in the spec’d amount, no more, and AVOID looking at the dipstick. Drive a week, then check (first thing in the morning), and it’s invariably just a tad below top mark. If I check right after filling (with a minute or two run time to fill the filter), it tends to read somewhat low. If I yield to the temptation to “top up”, I end up overfilled.