So, I hate to do this here, but I'm kind of in a bit of a pickle. See, I recently got accepted to this great job at a ranch in Granby, Colorado, including meals and housing and everything, but I'm stuck in Louisiana with no way to get there. You'd think I'd have a way to get around, considering I'm in a prius forum, but while I'm looking to get a prius of my own, I don't yet have one. That's really what the job is for, because I need to save up to get the car I want, and I can't pass up 14/hour with housing at only 150/month. I just can't. It's the best thing I've had in a while; I haven't exactly had good work the past year and my savings are totally depleted, at this point. I've contacted family to borrow money for a plane/ bus ticket, but none of them really have it, either, and I'm running out of time to get there. I've already made them wait nearly a month while I try to work it out, but nothing has come up yet, and I'm getting kind of desperate. I really don't want to lose this job. So, I came here. Now, I'm not asking for money; I'm really not. But if there's anyone out there who's currently near Baton Rouge who is actually driving up to Colorado at any point between now and the end of the month, I would really love to hitch a ride. I can't offer gas money, at least not right now, but I can send something after I start getting paid, if needed. I just really need some help on this and didn't know where else to go. So, if there's someone out there willing to help me out, please respond to this or shoot me a message. Either one is great.
You should setup a gofundme account with this story. But don't get into the fridge and solar routine. You might also look into services that drive cars from one location to another. You could get a buck or two in the process.
Yeah, once I'm earning money, I'm going to save for the fridge and solar and the car and all that. I'm just one of those people who plans everything out way in advance, is all. I know that it's technically way too soon to be really worrying about all that, but I'm just an impatient person, overall, and it helps keep me occupied while I'm stuck idle to go back over all my plans and stuff and prepare even when I know I don't have to. It just feels like I'm stuck in limbo right now, waiting for one thing or the other to happen, and I can't actually do anything else but plan things out for when I'm able to do something about it, later.
Yeah, hitchhiking is my final option, not that my family is going to be very happy about it. I just thought it might be a good idea to come here first and see how it goes. I just really didn't want to go asking strangers on the internet for money; it feels kinda wrong to me. I mean, asking for a ride from someone already going that way is one thing, but asking for money is something else entirely, you know?
The gofundme thing kinda makes me hesitate, overall. I mean, I will freely admit that the idea of asking a bunch of strangers on the internet for money is something I never thought I would do, something I never wanted to resort to. The thought alone makes me feel low and dirty and useless because I can't do it myself. It makes me feel like I'm not good enough, like I can't handle it on my own, that I have to ask for help to get anywhere. But I'm not so proud as to be unable to admit when I do need help, despite how I feel about it. So, if ya'll think a gofundme is something that could help, I'll try it, not that I really know how to advertize something like that, really. But I'll try. Thanks for the advice, y'all. EDIT: For anyone who wants it, since this thread is where the recommendation for it came from, I'm posting a link to the gofund me I just set up. Thanks for all your help, guys!