I use Dr Prius App regularly.to monitor the health of my 2010 Prius battery. It is not difficult. You have to get an OBDII bluetooth enabled adapter that plugs into the diagnostic port under your dash, then pair it with your smartphone. Then you run the battery health test. Here is a link to the Dr Prius app website: Hybrid battery diagnostic and repair tool for Toyota and Lexus Take a look and report back if you have questions. We can talk you through it.
Yes, I start the AC as soon as I start the car but I have always done that without a drop in bars. I will try leaving the AC off and see if the bars drop fast but like I said, I have always started witht the AC on and never seen this before .
Yes, this site can be a bit scary but I also understand that people don't flock here describing how everything is going wonderful. I can appreciate that sometimes it can feel like doom and gloom when you are just hearing one side of the story. Thankfully, I have never had any of those problems. In 9 years I have never had anything break which is why I love the car so much. Overall, I can swing it to keep this Prius repair it if needed or get something new. My preference would be to keep it 2-4 years longer because it every other way it is in super good condition. Congrats on your new Honda and way to go on original breaks at 250K - that is amazing!! Wish I had that crystal ball!!
Yes, it would be really helpful to know the speed at which most Prius hybrid batteries fail. I certaintly don't want to give anyone else an unpleasant surprise with my older Prius. That is why I paid bigger bucks when I bought this 9 years ago and drove it most of the time under the Toyota hybril warranty until that recently ended.
I am sorry that the thread I have started bothers you. What advice do you have for me? My choices as I see it are: 1) Do nothing and keep driving it hoping that I don't have a dead hybrid battery in the near future. Maybe it is fine but maybe the battery dies and I pay to replace it. 2) Preemptively replace the hybrid battery without the current one going dead and keep it. This seems like the worst option since I could be getting rid of a perfectly good battery. 3) Sell the Prius because I am not sure if it has a problem. Maybe it does and that is the risk anyone takes when buying an older vehicle. But maybe it doesn't and someone else gets the Prius I have pampered for the last 9 years without any near-term issues. Afterall rjparker says it could actually be just fine for the next 3 years. 4) Preemptivley, replace the battery and sell it to someone else. This certaintly would be wonderful to the new person. So, let me know if I have missed anything and what you would do in my shoes please. I appreciate your feedback.
Thank you royrose. I just went to teh dr. prius website and read all the info and watched all the videos. I am going to consider doing this, it seems like a really good idea.
I've had a prototype version in my 2007 since last October... And for the most part they're barely noticeable. But when you get in a challenging situation and put a huge demand on your Prius and hope you make it home safely and drop down to 3 bars, it's like having a newer far better version of an old Prius.
Main thing to monitor w/phone app is battery temp... Also Dr. Prius app makes it easy to read and clear codes so you can keep the car out of limp mode. Beyond that it's knowing what the error codes are pointing to and the more they repeat the more certain you are in what you're gonna fix. Of course me driving around testing a messed up battery is very relaxing compared to a long-time Prius owner dealing with a messed up battery for the first time.
You could get the Prolong system and extent the life of the battery. Less than half the cost of a battery, easy to install. I've very happy with my Prius. Everything is easy to work on and no failures. I know some day something will fail. It happens with every car. But it's still cheaper to keep and repair this one than to buy a new one or get a used one and take a chance of something failing one that. Since I can do the work myself I don't spend the money on the labor.
battery can explode or ignite when you merge on to speedy highways? I’d hate to be in the news that evening. Fireball prius on the highway, right after this commercial break.
Seen many reports of that? The cases of rapid unintentional disassembly I've seen reported here generally involve a pop sound and a bad smell. They are generally awarded to people who have been regularly clearing their "you need a battery" codes and continuing to drive for months waiting for something to happen, and eventually it does.
I wanted to give an update on my battery concerns. I actually think my batter is just fine afterall. I think the problem I was having was not driving much during covid. We had been going to the local park that was just 1 mile away and not going much further. I think that was throwing the battery off. I started driving the car on longer trips and there are no quick battery bar drops. I am getting 53mpg. On a related note, I did buy the OBD2 OBDII Car Diagnostic Scanner to use with the Dr. Prius app. I tooked it up and did basic battery monitoring but I decided against actually doing the paid Dr. Prius battery health test and here is why. After lots of research I learned that the Dr. Prius battery test is only valid is cooler climates because if the battery fan turns on in mid test due to high temps, it throws off the results. Also, I did not like the idea of flooring the accelerator pedal while depressing the brake pedal. This sounds drastic and perhapsit could cause problems to the Prius. So, all is good for now. Thank you for the feedback and support I received from most of the folks on here. Go Prius, buy my next car will be a Tesla!!!
Doing "research" here or on facebook about something as esoteric as hv battery lifetime testing is questionable. The results are liable to contradict battery science unless the battery is either brand new or is already throwing codes. Somehow I think the Toyotas and Teslas of the world would have incorporated a battery "level of degradation" metric if it could be accurate and not just a wag. On the forced charging, apparently some Priuschat users do it all the time without damaging the hybrid system. In this case it appears Toyota has built in enough control of their clutchless planetary gear system to prevent most abuse failures. To me the biggest concern with forced charging is an accident if you inadvertently let off the brake.
The accelerator pedal in a Prius isn't anything but a game-controller input to the power management control ECU. If the ECU sees you pressing it while holding the brake, it says "ok, that means driver wants to charge the battery" and it does that, but it doesn't do anything that's going to cause problems in the car. I don't do it routinely, because the way the ECU is programmed to manage the battery on its own is likely better for longevity, but for diagnostic purposes, well, that's what it's for. (They didn't have to program the ECU to do anything special when you pressed both pedals together; it could have just said "I don't know what that means" and done nothing.)
+1 on what @ChapmanF said ^^^. The car's charging system is going to do what it wants to do. If you want an intermediate step, try putting the car in Ready, in Park (not deprssing the brake pedal). Then push the accelerator all the way to the floor and hold it there. You would never do that in an older/conventional car... the engine would race to red-line and bounce off the rev limiter. But not the Prius. It just raises to a fast idle -- no matter how far you push the pedal, or how long you hold it there. Again, the car is going to do what it's designed to do. It won't let you damage it.