Nine years and 152,000 miles later, after giving this engine the Purple Power/Armor All treatment every six months or so…
Yes, of course you must rinse off the Purple Power! The engine is aluminum and PP will corrode and eat into the aluminum if soaked in the stuff for hours. But spritz on, wait 15 minutes, hose off? No problem. And no problem if small traces remain. Beyond that? For sure, several times I’ve scrubbed the engine with a brush (which you can’t really see in this photo). I’ve taken the whole air box out a few times and completely cleaned it. I’ve taken the windshield wiper motor tray out and totally cleaned all of that to the firewall — I want the cabin air intake to be breathable air, not moldy tree sap and bird poop. But those kinds of cleanings have been a few times in the car’s nine year life, not annually. The wiper tray cleanings were done with maintenance, not on their own.
More info: Question in engine compartment | PriusChat @Rebound, when you've got the air box and snorkel out, disconnect the 12 volt connector (black, not orange) from top of AC compressor, and hit the connector atop the compressor with some compressed air (even just a decent bulb blower), to ensure there's no water trapped. There's been more than one report, someone had a wash and end up with corroded connectors there. It's tricky to release the connector; I found a pen knife blade on the front side, virtually right at the bottom, and pried out gently, will help immensely, makes it easy to release.
FINE!! I give up, ok? I quit! I’ve had those wires exposed for nine years, and every time I show off my clean engine, it’s the same thing: “Hey, you ought to cover those wires.” It’s Official: I ordered the thing. Now I have to decide if I want to pull my air box out. Maybe after I buy a can of compressed air, since I don’t have the machine here.
Of course it will start. I don’t spray water into the air intake, so why wouldn’t it start? The electrical connections are all sealed. I’ve done this many times without any trouble. Maybe if your engine is in bad shape and the fuse box cover is cracked? But I’ve never had any problems doing this. Not to be a dick, but… you understand these cars depend on airflow to cool the radiator and engine, so when it’s raining, water enters the engine bay. The engine is sealed against that, as long as water isn’t sucked into the air intake. But the resonator on a Prius is designed to let water fall right out before getting sucked into the engine. And the apron below the engine is not water-right and doesn’t need to be.
Those wires get expoxed to water everytime it rains. Rain water gets into the engine compartment. First time I saw mine I thought a cover was missing. Then realized it wasn't. It just looks out of place to me since you have the other covers. If others are so worried about it, let them buy the cover for you.
"If others are so worried about it, let them buy the cover for you." Indeed. Give the man a break; he is obviously fastidious, or he'd be dead in the water (no pun) by now...
[mention]Mendel Leisk [/mention] Exactly! I’m being persecuted. The part was $12 with shipping; chip in! I accept PayPal and Molson. Mostly Molson.
I was talking about the AC 12 volt connection, and it’s propensity to catch water, corrode/short, and possibly lead to compressor replacement. but yeah, I also did that ECU wiring cover, was $5~6 through Amayama, plus maybe $10 for shipping. Getting some filters or wiper blades might make the shipping more worthwhile.
Well, I also noticed the plastic cover some add over the inverter ... but not the one over the coolant bottle.
Wow, looks great! I work on cars so when I clean out my engines I just take dirty stuff right out and clean it with Simple Green outside. With all the electronics in there, no way I'm spraying water. For stuff I can't take out, I have a little vacuum and little brushes I use to suck up as much as I can. Then I use those heavy duty Miracle Wipes. Some cover their engines with plastic and use the hose on the inside of the hood and side areas but mine haven't been THAT dirty. (Yet.) If anyone is going to be spraying water on their engine, PLEASE first disconnect your negative battery terminal and let it dry for hours (better yet, overnight) before reconnecting. Not too many things worst than have an electrical issue in modern cars. (I believe the Prius has 53 computers.)
I have corrected my misdeed of naked inverter wiring. As you can see, I replaced the inverter coolant while I was at it.
They are completely different. It’s like this: The Inverter Cover adds a touch of luxury and class. The Coolant Cover adds a touch of “I’m a pimp.” Which is ok; I’m not judging anybody who’s into that profession, although, I’m not sure Prius is the chosen vehicles of those in the business. In all seriousness, the inverter has aluminum parts which oxidize. It’s impossible to keep it looking like new, unless maybe you powder coat it. On the other hand, the coolant cover simply covers a piece of plastic with another piece of plastic. Worse yet, it makes it harder to check the coolant level. So I’m not a fan.