I was asked to drive 2 hours to transport a queen-sized memory foam mattress. There will be retractable straps to fold the mattress in half. I googled around and only saw a reddit article. It makes me wonder how far forward those front seats are. Will the Queen-Size memory Foam mattress fit in a regular gen 3 Prius? It can be folded in half with a strap.
pulease, the info on corona is 100% accurate on social media so the queen mattress info on social media has to be true also.
Rephrasing the OP's question: "Anyone in this forum have any experience transporting a queen size mattress?" Given the taper of the Prius, the wheel wells that stick out, and the weirdness of measuring of folded strapped a mattress, this may be one of those rare questions where an anecdotal response might be better than an analytical approach.
yes perhaps in this case... But on FB and PriusChat I'm always annoyed by people interesting in hauling more solid objects who think using a tape measure is harder than posting to social media.
As someone who has worked in the polyurethane industry before, this can be possible. But there are factors at play: Thickness of the mattress Grade of foam We used to "roll some of them to facilitate getting more into a box truck, so it condenses nicely. But knowing how think something is that you want to transport would help with next steps.
UPDATE: Managed to borrow a SUV to do the job. The queen foam mattress was folded in half with ratcheting straps. Based on the size, it looked like it would have fit.
I ordered a Full mattress-in-a-box earlier this year, showed up vacuum-packed on my porch in a box marked Full. Felt like something was fishy as I lugged it into the house, thinking "if this is 78 pounds, I've been waay too sedentary over the past year". Then I cut open the vacuum bag and the mattress expanded ... into a Queen. Yep, said Queen on the mattress label too. I decided to keep it, after the vendor agreed to refund enough to cover new sheet sets and lumber for slats the right size. The other option was for them to send someone to pick that one up and donate it to a shelter somewhere, and ship me another one, which just sounded like more overall hassle and opportunities for something else to go wrong.
While the vacuum bag they supplied it in was single-use, I remember doing a quick search online and finding that there are heavier, reusable, mattress-size vacuum bags available to buy. That could open even more options for conveniently moving one around. It really is a lot easier to jockey around when it is vacuumed down to parcel size than when it is a big floppy mattress.