On the Facebook Prius Prime Owners Group a new member recently purchased his 2017 PP Premium w/210K miles on the clock. He paid $12K. Still charges up to 22-25 miles. Unknown maintenance. Current owner in MI, PP came from CT via Facebook Marketplace.
That's great! Although I see that the time to fully charge is slower (unless that car was set to 8A). It says 5 hours 20 minutes and it's already 1/4 charged.
WOW! Is that at 70 mph or 35 mph? 80° F or 10° F? There's a spectacular difference from one condition to the other. Unless you know the m/kWh, range by itself is not informative. Still, even with a gentle right foot, that's pretty good. My 2017 has 51,000 miles. Still takes well over 6 kWh to charge and gets me 30+ miles at 5 miles/kWh.
That's a decent amount of miles already. You mechanically inclined? If you are about to change the spark plugs (since you are at 120k miles), ever consider investigating the egr circuit? I put an oil catch can on our 2019 Prime at 21k miles (currently sitting at 40k miles). I have caught about 5-6 ounces of spooge in that 20k miles with about 33%HV. Curious what the circuit looks like if you are willing to see. Good luck getting to 300k miles.
I made some videos on what I have done already on YouTube. Just search for 2017 Prius prime spark plug change it transmission fluid change etc…. I replaced all fluids already differential to tranny and plugs etc…. Car runs like brand new shifts smoother after all the new fluids. Used Oem parts and fluids only. Most is easy to do. I will be driving about 30-40k miles a year again. Original Brakes still have 60% left.
Good work so far. You'd be a perfect candidate for data on the egr circuit. Ever thought about an oil catch can? I have one on and it does catch stuff. Another DIY item to consider.
I just purchased a 2021 Prime and would like to know what drive mode setting you use to get 30+ miles? I realize it depends on a lot of variants but I was curious as to what setting you use. Thanks
I am using Eco and get 30 plus miles per charge driving in city. Try not to press hard on the gas pedal. When you brake for stop sign, try not to brake suddenly. The slower to brake, the more energy is regenerated. Congrats on the Prime...I love the Prime more each day.
Our 2017 Prime has 179k miles. We drive 50k year. We get up to 29 miles on a full charge in mild temperatures and I have gotten 76.1 mpg on gas (no electric charge) on my 60 mile commute
compare to typical car that we assume to get 30mpg, you would have consume 6000 gallons of gas, and lets assume $3/gal, you would have paid $18k for the gas. Running your Prime, you save more than half of the gas cost you would paid...Your saving here is approx $11k ... This is a lot Hope my math is close
Figure 60 mpg, we are at 192k, so 3,200 gallons, at $3, so $9,600. So, $27,000 for the Prime Advanced plus $9,600 My car before a Prius was a Jaguar. Figure 15 mpg at $4 gallon, if we are going on current gas prices. So, 12,800 times $4, which is $51,200. My Jaguar exploded at 60k miles, so figure I would need 3 Jaguars at 70k (?) a Jaguar, that's $210,000 + $51,200= $261,200. That's not including all of the thousands in repairs, but we will ignore that. $261,200 for three Jaguars - $36,600 Prius= $224,600 I have saved $224,600 by driving the Prius. The car is still running, so the savings could be even higher. Our 2007 Prius has close to 500k miles. Now, I will be starting a Tesla Model Y Performance test soon. I'm hoping Tesla math will he better than Jaguar math!!
My MBs are surprisingly reasonable to insure, but I've heard the Teslas are not. is there a substantial increase in the premiums for a Tesla, Jen?
Yes. A Tesla will cost more to insure than my Corvette. The repair costs are exorbitant. I was looking at the Mercedes E400 coupe, but between gas costs and reliability, it looked the same as Jaguar math. I'm hoping that Tesla will be somewhere closer to Toyota reliability.