After all, it is just a car. If it ends up repair and after repair, you don't like it for whatever reasons, just take little loss and sell it! Look at the bright side, perhaps it is a good time to throw in a body kit and a set of 17" something like this.
were they all full ABS stops? I don't know how hard you have to press on the brakes in order for the hazards to come on but I would think at least when ABS kicks in so normal threshold braking from 100+ to 40 wouldn't do it. We'll see what the OP says. If he says he turned it on himself, then we know it isn't the car.
Great that all the safety systems worked flawlessly and you're OK. What g-force is required to set off the air bags on a Prius?
Having had a recent experience like this, if you can, take my advice and speak with your insurance *agent*, if you work with a real - live person, rather than the *ajuster*. The former has an interest in keeping you as a client, and may go to bat for you, whereas the latter--especially the other driver's adjuster--only has motive to save the company money. Tell the agent you are extremely concerned about frame damage, structural integrity in the case of a possible future accident, try to insist on evaluation by an independent person as well (the toyota collision rep may be good for this). I had a rather bad accident some months ago and they were unable to even write initial estimates for the car as a 2010--they used 2009 specs. When the final bill came out, it was over US$18K (list price ~$26K) and, had they known that, likely would have totaled it. But at that point they had so much invested in it they refused to back out. So now I'm stuck with an albatross. (The car does drive like it did, looks as good as I can tell with about a megaton of road salt on a black car, and I have no reason to think the repair guys did a bad job, but I do think had they known what they were getting into , would have totaled it). Stuff happens I guess. The important thing is we are all (hopefully) OK. Again, best wishes to you. Don't think the other insurance company will take care of you. ~T
Great, we have conflicting info LOL. Good of you to remember to turn them on. I probably wouldn't remember!
How much do you think it’ll be to repair this bad boy right here eh? I had no insurance but it was the other guys fault and I got a accident attorney to help me so now I’m just waiting for the results whenever they come. Do you suggest i try to repair it or no? Or part it out? Also how do I part it out?
hard to say, but it looks like a goner in ma, front end is always the fault of the driver, all the best.