Yeah. I couldn't even vote for myself! Virginia has voter ID laws....and residency requirements for their goobernatorial office.
Though the country is (arguably?) better off because we have public schools - that they are essentially run by the government and funded through extortion - "rent" on property that we though we owned - they are terribly inefficient and - as test results show - terribly ineffective. I'm in the same position as you - no kids - but paying (dearly) for our broken education system. With the amount the US spends on educating each child in our school system, how much that cost has increased, and how the education American kids receive compares to other industrialized country's kids - It's hard to argue that our education system is very good. That's not to be construed as anything against teachers! Having known and loved several great teachers, I know that they have their hearts in the right place. They're often the loudest voices telling how laws, governments, and administrations make their jobs more and more difficult to do. So yeah, I AM complaining about it. When a retired person is forced to sell their paid-for home - where they made every payment and worked their whole lives to own - because the property taxes now far exceed the old mortgage payment - something is seriously wrong! "Crotch Fruit"? Really?? I try not to insult kids or folks who desire to have kids - I just think that they should bear the responsibility and cost of educating them. With that responsibility comes the right to choose where and how they are educated.
then we would have to look at every taxpayer funded line item and assign the cost to only the individuals receiving benefit. good luck, we're supposed to be in this together
Schools have their "little" problems but I think that we can all agree that they should be paid for....warts and all. Same goes for roads.....potholes and all. One can argue that giving tax kickbacks to people wealthy enough to buy BEVs, PHEVs, and other compliance vehicles is a societal value adder, but those are generally done on the front end....and just as Hybrids had to be weaned from the mother's milk and start eating big-people food, eventually corded cars will too, and when that happens, and when BEVs become cheap enough for people to pay for without federal, state, and local kickbacks - we're STILL gonna need roads for them to drive on - right? This is even more true if you live in a very poorly run state that passes massive gas taxes that always seem to find their way into projects like road diets, turtle tunnels, and other non-asphalty things. Solar cell owners (usually!) do not grumble about being on the wholesale end of electrical power when producing amps, because that's how it's done if you want to have an electrical distribution infrastructure. Wire is expensive, but wire slingers are VERY expensive!!! They also do not generally complain very much about whatever monthly service charge they have to pay to be grid connected, because it's a little easier, less expensive, and more reliable than an off-grid setup. There has to be a way for EVangelists to also pay their "fair share" else it's the transportation equivalent of school vouchers, IMHO..... As ALWAYS, YMMV
The "credits" that Tesla gets for producing EVs are paid by other car makers who have to purchase them since they do not produce enough zero emissions cars. This is different than any business, including oil/gas, who are allowed to take deductions and depreciation on assets and expenses. Mike
Which is how the CAFE system has been working for ages now. After trading efficient MPG credits to less efficient fleets, a manufacturer can still be short the target MPG. In which case, they pay a fine or buy credits from another company. Perhaps Tesla, who doesn't have an inefficient fleet to support. These regulations weren't surprised onto the industry. Whether ZEV or MPG targets, they knew what they needed to hit years before. If the legacy automakers had chosen to actually meet those targets, instead of just accepting the additional cost, or even fighting them, Tesla wouldn't be getting those fees from them now.
i just think accusing bev makers of getting a huge tax incentive over the oil industry is a misunderstanding of our complicated tax code
California may have other issues with taxes, but exploding property taxes is not one of them. In 1978, we passed a state constitutional amendment ( "Proposition 13") that sets the tax rate at 1% of the assessed value, and limits increases in the assessed value no be more than 2% per year. When the property is sold, the assessed value is reset to the sale price. There are provisions for seniors to carry their old assessment forward so they can move into a retirement community or such.
When a $20,000 shack is “worth” a million plus you can appear to keep property taxes low while still making money hand over fist
I can't speak to California's tax structure, nor will I even attempt to explain Illinois' insane overspending and massively underfunded pension issue that drives their high taxes. I have heard from colleagues in California that the cost of living there makes that in the Midwest look pretty cheap. I can only assume that California more than makes up for it's "low" property taxes. A quick google search shows that California has a pretty hefty state income tax, as well as higher sales taxes than many states, and higher gasoline taxes.
Wish we had that. And our car tax annual property tax is over 5% some places in Va. It would make more sense if it was 1% range like the house. Car tax we do get some discount under $20,000 value.
The state budget is incredibly dependent on income taxes on the wealthy. Which leads to a lot of volatility. And as to a $20,000 shack being worth a million dollars, if someone is willing to pay a million dollars for something, then by definition it is worth a million dollars. Besides, it isn't the shack that is worth a million dollars; it is the land it is sitting on. Slap some paint on a canvas, and it can be worth millions, depending on who is doing the slapping. But the connection of this discussion to matters Prius is rather tenuous
Since how states raise revenue for operations and the coming taxes EVs will soon be paying for loss of gasoline taxes - it's still germane. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the legislature/governor of some cash-strapped state like Illinois even decided to make owners of Prii or other vehicles that get more than about 30 mpg pay an additional tax to make their tax contribution to road maintenance "fair". The owners of gas guzzlers would cheer and say "Hell Yeah!!!"
The fact that none of these states wants to charge trucks more betrays their motives. If they were actually concerned about a shortage of highway maintenance funds that's where they would be focusing their efforts. A loaded semi causes as much wear and tear as 9,000 passenger cars, but they don't pay 9,000 times as much fuel taxes.
Low only in percentage. The person who buys this house will be paying $2,275 a month in property taxes. They'll need a household income of $257,000 just to qualify for the loan (assuming they have no other debt).