I have everything removed except one mounting bolt. There is leak corrosion. I have been spraying with WD40 and used a hammer to a wrench. The bolt won't budge. I'm not sure what to do! Maybe pivoting the pack back and forth might loosen it up... Matt
Welcome to Prius chat. One option is to drill out the bolt. You'll have to replace that, but it shouldn't be too hard to find a replacement. Corrosion on the pack there is never a good sign. Got a back story worth sharing? Good luck and keep us posted.
Try a heavy duty impact driver... or giant breaker bar... If all else fails drill a tiny hole in center of it to hold larger drill bit in place while it drills the head off the top of the bolt.
Looking at it (great pictures) I don't see how you could pivot that around. The bracket is spot welded on and the bulge at the bottom is partially to keep it from moving. But another drill involved plan B. The WD 40 is not working because it looks like it can't get to the threads? I would try drilling one or two smallish holes carefully thru the flat washer part of the bolt and then spraying WD 40 or a rust buster in the new washer holes. That might help the WD 40 get to the threads?
Yep. I drilled it out. Whatever. Thanks though guys. Probably would have tried and failed with a friends cheap impact driver. I'm going to order a hitachi impact driver to go with drill. It's a used refurbished pack that hasn't even seen 15k miles. I'm thinking the leak is from an old cell. Looks ok inside.
Impact gun. I got a dewalt 1/4 drive and a Dewalt ac powered 1/2 inch drive. if it was me I would try the 1/4 first just get comfortable and continuously bump it by just hitting the trigger relentlessly on and off. This really works good if you can brace the drill with a board against the car so all it’s power is Applied instead of trying to hold the gun. Constant bumping. if that fails and it pisses me off the 1/2 will snap that bolt head right off. Bad corrosion the ecu plug and circuit board is corroded too I bet so check that Remove the pcb out of its metal case and look at it real good at the plug legs.
The WD40 is not working because........it is NOT intended to be a penetrating oil. Get some real penetrating oil. Apply that and a little heat with something like a soldering iron or hair dryer, NOT an open flame. Then nudge it toward TIGHT just a little bit and then back toward loose. An impact gun or impact tool works good for this.......if used lightly. Good luck.
or just hit straight down on it with a hammer to shock the threads and bust whatever bond is present. Six sided socket or wrench to keep it from rounding off and away we go..........