I am looking for a 2006 TPMS wiring diagram. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
Not sure what you are asking because the transmitters in each wheel/tire are wireless so there is no "wiring". There is, of course, a receiver somewhere. Is that what you are trying to find ?
Clearly, I did a poor job in my original post communicating what type of wiring diagram I am looking for. I will try again as follows: I understand that the Gen2 Prius has a separate ECU for the TPMS and that such TPMS ECU is powered by a fuse in the fuse box. Based on some reading, removal of the fuse powering the TPMS ECU will shut off the TPMS warning light. But, removal of the fuse powering the TPMS ECU will cause a new dash light to illuminate (apparently, this new dash lamp warns that the TPMS system is inoperative). Rephrased queries: I am looking for a 2006 TPMS wiring diagram for the TPMS ECU and conductors feeding into the TPMS ECU [portion of this revised question has been underlined for emphasis and clarity]. Can anyone point me in the right direction in order to obtain such a wiring diagram and determine the Gen2 location for the TPMS ECU [this addition to the second, original question has also been underlined for emphasis and clarity]?
See the Electrical Wiring Diagram (more info) for 2006 Prius cars, Toyota publication number EM01R0U. In the book version, in the System Circuit section, see pages 294–297 (Tire Pressure Warning System); in the Relay Locations section, page 20 (Instrument Panel); in the Electrical Wiring Routing section, page 51 (Position of Parts in Instrument Panel), and in the Connector List section, page 385 (connector T11).
If the objective is to turn off TPMS system and warning light, to my knowledge, nobody has found away to do this on Gen2. Gen3 there is a way (jumper hack). One Prius Chat member figured out how to reprogram the ECU for 5 tires, I do not know if it could be programed to remove tires. I showed a way to use a dummy TPMS reading, using a binder clip to create artificial pressure on a TPMS unit not on a tire..
My initial objective is to turn off the Tire Pressure Warning light on the combination meter. Second objective is to replace Toyota sensors (315MHz) with the following: aftermarket system with internal 433MHz sensors and dash screen/indicator with actual tire pressure for each tire. Third objective is to join aftermarket system alarm to the Gen2 Prius' Tire Pressure Warning light. IOW, the Gen2 Prius' Tire Pressure Warning light illuminates when the aftermarket system sounds its alarm. I have already purchased and returned one cheap Chinese TPMS system with internal sensors. Reasons for return are as follows: i.) head unit would not pair with sensors (this problem maybe attributable to TPMS instructions created using Google translate); ii.) no vendor support; and iii.) head unit was of low quality and control button failed after about 1/2 hour of testing. Two more internal sensor aftermarket 433MHz units have been ordered and should be arriving today. I will test these units for QC, pairing and ease of use on the desktop before installing.
Right now I am trying to understand how the Gen2 TPMS System works. My understanding is that the Gen2 TPMS System is composed of the following components: i.) wireless 315MHZ wheel sensors (current Toyota P/N: 42607-33012); ii.) Tire Pressure Warning Antenna and Receiver (Toyota P/N: 89769-47010 obtained from used items for sale on ebay); iii.) Tire Pressure Warning ECU; iv.) Tire Pressure Warning Reset Switch; and v.) wiring harness connecting items "ii", "iii" and "iv" together with the combination meter. Tire Pressure Warning Antenna and Receiver ("TPWAR") has three wires/conductors emanating from it (which in turn are connected to the Tire Pressure Warning ECU). Wires are described as follows in the wiring diagram: R (Red) +5V G (Green) Gnd B (Black) RDA I am uncertain what the acronym "RDA" stands for (any help on this definition would be appreciated). However, it appears to me that the TPWAR's RDA (the black wire) is likely an ouput to Tire Pressure Warning ECU and such output likely varies between 0V and 5V. Apparently, this RDA ouput is dependent on the TPWAR's analysis of the wireless 315MHZ wheel sensors. If anyone can critique my analysis it would be greatly appreciated.
Link to free online Gen2 TPMS Schematic: https://f01.justanswer.com/dansciol/c23c8dd5-8924-42f3-9869-4004799fd8ff_em10q0u_040.pdf
Many thanks on the attachment. Somehow I missed your post when first posted. My apologies. Your attachment is very helpful for many issues (including locations of TPMS ECU and Tire Pressure Warning Antenna and Receiver). Thanks again.