I just changed the engine intake air filter for the first time, in what looks like 180k. She breaths so much better and the mileage increased substantially. It was just something I wanted to do but never got around to it.
Nice....I'm still using the first COVID mask I bought in March 2020 also. It's now black instead of blue, and getting hard to breath through, but I think I'll just tough it out for another month or two!!
maybe he just bought the car (with 180.000 miles), so why give him shit for reporting the result of an air filter change?
Yeah I changed our engine filter at a mere 88K kms, reluctantly. Seriously, it looked fine, just slightly sooty. Depends on location, road conditions. Did cabin air filter at same time, I mean: they did no EXIST, 20 years back.
I'm glad you included my with the quote......now we just gotta think about it....... Did you happen to see one of my recent posts about my wife's car? Where I totally forgot to change the oil in it since we bought it in Nov 2019? 18k miles with no OC, and I only noticed it last week because I was getting the car ready for a family friend to borrow it for a few weeks. I have no room to "give sh*t" to anyone. There's a difference between "ribbing" and "giving sh*t". I'd like to think the puts the comment into the "ribbing" section. And I think rj was just sliding on the same path....
Actually the 2001 Prius had a cabin filter. Ford started a few years earlier, German cars had them in the eighties.
so when the maintenance required message lit up on the dash, do you just press the change display button every time the car is started up? I do that myself.
Her car is a Hyundai. It doesn't have the reminder like our Prii. Maybe that can be my excuse? I feel better already!!
you can't find anything of value in 91,814 posts? i have made some pretty dumb statements over the years...
Actually, forgetting to change the air intake filter is a very common thing. And although changing the oil is a more usually thing people think of the poor air filter is last thing on there/my mind. I still am worrying more about cleaning/changing the egr cooler. Which also needs to be done.