Triangle goes on and off while driving, usually when braking but could happen while turning or revving. will turn off if I hit brakes or gas, but if I don't touch anything(idle) after the triangle comes on, it will stay on. I've read most of the threads on this so far, but my questions are: do most people with abs failure have the red triangle always on? Is there quite possibly a chance that debris is just flying around since the triangle seems to come on and off relative to the car moving around?(comes on for 1-5 seconds even when not braking, but turning)(doesn't come on when driving straight down the highway). Could there be a power related issue since I've racked up all these miles on the hybrid battery, and since I don't see the triangle while on the highway?
Are you sure your engine is not low on oil? The symptoms you describe are more indicative of that than any problem with the braking system. Edit: Ok, you did mention you have codes for your braking system, but it is easy to check your oil dipstick to rule that out as a cause of the intermittent red triangle.
yes it's weird, half the stick has oil, half of it doesn't. I'm going to do an oil change and see how that does
If you are saying the oil level is still above the "Add" line, I don't think that's causing the red triangle. Some posters here have looked at the dipstick and not seen any oil on it at all. Certainly if that had been the case, one would expect to see the red triangle, not to mention serious engine damage. It seems your problem may be a little more involved. Do you hear the accumulator pump running every few seconds? That is usually the sign of a failing actuator/accumulator.
Sorry, I didn't word that well with the dipstick. I meant that one side had oil on it and the other didn't. I did an oil change anyways and there was only a quart of oil left, I would say that would be our culprit. It usually burns through a couple quarts every 3-5k miles but this is like 3 quarts in 2k miles. Anyways, I did so much research on the brake issue that I'm thinking I should address it by having someone good flush the brake fluids. I've only noticed the pump to turn on when I'm braking for the most part, maybe I can time it when I'm on the highway to get a read without using brakes. Only thing is I haven't driven it yet since the oil change, but I assume that the low oil was the culprit.
The way the dipstick snakes through the guide tube, it pulls oil up into the tube when you pull it out, and smears oil back onto the dipstick when you push it back in. To get an accurate reading, I always pull out the dipstick, wipe it clean, and wait five to ten minutes before reinserting it.
There aren't many high mileage Gen 2's that don't burn oil. I think I can safely say that anyone driving one of these cars should be checking their oil level at every gas fill-up. I hope your engine didn't suffer serious damage, but it is certain to have endured some degree of shortened life from excess friction due to lack of oil.
I hear that, I'm lucky that I haven't been driving too much lately. And it's good to know the warning signs now. If only there was a way to keep the oil accurately topped off!
There is a member of this forum who waits until he sees the red triangle before adding oil. Somehow, to everyone's surprise, at last report his engine has not blown up yet and is still running. I would link that thread but I would not want to give you the impression that doing what he does is somehow Ok. Every other member would recommend checking your oil frequently, maybe more than once per fill-up, if at each fill-up the crankcase is a quart low. Once these cars start burning oil, it only gets worse, unless you want to try some of the miracle cures that some have reported on this forum. I remain skeptical, but I suppose if our Gen 2 ever gets to the point where it is burning more than a quart every thousand miles, I might be willing to try one of them.