I´m on holiday in Switzerland, 5614.5 miles from my car.I have someone looking after my place who happens to be quite clued up on cars.He calls me an says he tried to move my Prius and it wouldn´t move too well. The back would lift up when he reverses. He assured me he did disengage the parking brake. He aint stupid. Then the red triangle came on. It would seem I parked the car 12 days ago while it was wet and I applied the parking brake. It would seem things corroded a bit and got stuck cause after he went for a drive and applied the regular brakes and parking brake a few times it came right. Now the discs are shiny again. They were very brown before. I was freaking out cause I can´t see whats goin on. He assures me it´s OK now and goin well. Incidentally it was his very first time driving a hybrid.Says it goes far better than he expected. Anyone else came back to stuck parking brakes after a holiday? Lesson learnt: If you´re parking on a level floor in a garage and you are goin away, just put the transmission in P. No need for the brakes.
Rust is a problem with the Prius brakes because the friction brakes are not used a lot due to regenerative braking. So what your friend experienced is normal and what he did was normal. Enjoy your vacation and don't worry about the Prius.
I am having this very problem right now!! What was the solution in your situation? My car doesn't want to move in reverse or drive gears. I don't know if it's because of rust on breaks or the parking break still being engaged.
Yeah. The engine starts and car goes into gear but no matter how much I rev the engine, the car does not want to budge. It's as if the breaks are clogged. Maybe it's the handbrake not disengaging when I press down. The car has been in one place for 3 months.
i would guess it is the parking brake. nothing for it but to jack it up and pull the wheels. try exercising it first. hold the regular brake and rev the engine. keep working it, pumping and releasing. do the same with the parking brake. maybe it will break loose